Publicado em Albania - Análise e debates políticos - 01 Oct 2016 03:26 - 10

. What is IDP?
IDP is a plan to bring italian or foreing citizens to open their compenies in eItaly.
. How does it work?
Every time a factory will be created or upgraded, the Country will receive 100% of tax.
We will give back to players who upgrades 50% of the cost, in this way the tax will be 50% and not 100% like the others Coutries of eWorld.
. Citizenship bonus:
If players will ask italian citizenship and if he will stay in eItaly for 30 days, we will return all 100% tax.
. How will eItaly use earned golds?
The Country make availabe the earned income by the plan for interest free loan. In this way we help you to upgrade the gym everything you like.
. What are the goals of IDP?
Whit IDP, we want increase the money of our Country and use it to help our citizens. Also we want to show the life of italian community and
maybe someone will decide to stay with us!
Example: If you upgrade for 200 Gold in Italy you pay 20 Gold for tax (100% tax), we will give back 10 Gold (50% tax). If you become italian,
we will give back 20 Gold (100% tax).
For more info contact misterioso95 or CP:Klaudiostifler in PM.

Comentários (10)


save gold in Italy!

that program smells like a bison... please dont spam same much... 

I think u miss selected swiss instead of publishing in italy


owyea!!! c mon, my friend want inform you because know you are my bro

V, contact for more info! 

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