Publicado em Austria - Análise e debates políticos - 04 Oct 2016 14:30 - 13

We have done well this last weeks! With some ups and downs, our beloved kingdom has grown to be quite a powerful little country. With our only region well-structured with an Q5 Hospital installed and 120g saved for next month's Hospital, i believe we have just ured ourselves 60 days of 250 Daily Health! Which is a total of over 15.000 WELLNESS IN TWO MONTHS! It's fascinating, isn't it?

But not only that! The "Fundraiser" Was such a success we even managed to achieve our economical goal of having 300 Gold as an Emergency Fund for our state! Meaning that, in case of an emergency or Warfare, Our country will be able to afford any expenses to either defend itself, or Reconstruct itself in case of being defeated. As i remind all of you, we started with an investment of 260g. We have 40 More than that! Plus the 120g we have for the next Hospital, That means a growth of 160 Gold in Three weeks!

As a way of gratitude, i've given to everyone that participated a House for the Whole Week!

Now, our next movement is an investment on State companies, our current plan will be the Development of a Q5 Helicopter Company we NEED to make in order to get a Source of Reliable Revenue. We are also going to Stockpile a bunch of Q1 Helicopters from our 5 Q1 Helicopter Factories in order to Produce both an State income and a Public supply of Weaponry.
Should everything go well, we will start a Weekly Supply of Q1 Houses to each worker for free, Stay tuned on that!

On other news, We have set a new Government Plan! Since we finished our Monthly government plan Before the expected time, This one will have a deadline of Some weeks (Until Next PP Elections.). This Government plan includes the following:
Economical Plan:
1) Follow the Fund-raiser (ACHIEVED)
2) Invest on Obtaining a Q5 Helicopter Company for Austria before the Discount Ends.
3) Have 420 Before Congress Elections (ACHIEVED)
Social Plan:
1) Start our "Population Expansion Plan" Which will include
--a) call important people from other countries to come here?
--b) Activate the economy, implement more jobs and make a salary enough for our people to pay food.
--c) Get more resources
--d) Do M Propaganda on Shouts
--e) Events to convince people to come
2) Further develop a Plan for the Q4 Weapon Company that will be included in the Tank Investment plan.
3) Further develop the "LOAN" Program with a MAX rate of 50g loan with interests of 1%. (Soon)
Diplomatic Plan:
1) Re-establish our Political Ties with Nearby Countries and Start from Scratch with Switzerland, do NOT Provoke the Fury of MDP on us.
2) Get closer ties with Serbia-Germany-Czech
3) Establish relationship with the countries of the following map (MAP Not Available for Public.)
4) Assist our Allies to get Recognition and Favors from other countries (Like the mob, You help me, i'll help you.)
Soon enough, our country will have Free Q1 Houses for workers, a Q5 Helicopter Company Plus Q1 Helicopter Production, Q5 Hospital and 2 Loan System the government will be able to provide! Hail Austria!

Nick FoxtailsPalmerMrSharp1219THE ONEKlavierGavinTanishqComentários (13)


Good job, Ale ale ale jandroooo!


Good Luck

go go go! nice work

good luck o7

I wish austria luck and hope you succeed.

Amazing accomplishments! 07

Good Luck o7
