Publicado em France - Assuntos financeiros - 03 Nov 2016 04:20 - 32

so finally i found the time to write new article...
at the moment i am very uninterested in the game...
yesterday i even forgot to work in my heli comps... :D
i am uninterested in the game at the moment because a big fail made by admins (maybe influenced by jimmy but i think there have been just two people with the same stupid idea)
so what happened some days ago?
at first i was writing a article after some others have been published to give a new idea for the main problem in such games when the number of players isnt raising anymore (or even worse if they are decreasing...
you just have more companies than workers for them in the game...
also specially here is another big problem...
we have in the game just ONE company type with is profitable enough to pay workers...
surprise its the q5 heli comp... (ok... you can maybe make some profit with defense shield and hospital trading but i doubt that this will work on long term if some players would do that...)
because of that i proposed to decrease the workers in the q5 heli comp...
the result have been:
the q5 heli prices would go up... but because every single comp is producing less the profit per company would go down...
the salaries would have gone down... (maybe even enough to make some other comps profitable)
because the q5 helis are more expensive some other qualities of weapons would have been more interesting for the players...
who still wants the most damage no matter of the money have to pay a higher price...
if the needs of raws would have been updated too (as i proposed 8 months ago in a article) the raw prices would have gone up too...
mostly weak/new players are producing raws because big tanks would lose too much energy with producing raws...
after that jimmy was writing a article to propose never ending stream of gold into visa player pockets...
in fact he wanted the diamonds...
for every some gold bought he asked for free worker tokens wich never disappear...
i think he was talking to admins and they told him his article is useless because they already stupid enough to implement something like that...
so he deleted his article some hours later...
nearly at the same time he was saying i would do something against the not visa players...
so i will tell you what is coming with that new update: (here is the important stuff of the article... :P)
the q5 heli comp is still the only company wich is delivering profits with the use of workers...
nothing changed in the demand (except of the x 2 energy refill event next weekend)
nearly nothing changed in the amount of workforce on the market so the salaries will rise even more...
the problem is that with those salaries we reached a point when even the q5 helis arent profitable anymore...
this is how it was 1 or 2 weeks ago:

a short time the salaries have been so high and the heli prices so low that you lost money with producing q5 helis with worker...
thats not bad in my eyes because you have to trade to make a profit and it also means just that nearly all profit of the production is going to the workers and not to the rich producers...
but now we have two type of q5 heli producers...
the ones who have been active and reached the q5 helis finally without paying RL money...
well and the visa players...
the normal players still have to pay all of their workers...
but in the past everyone with a calculator in his hands was able to calculate his profit...
so the pressure on the job market and the salaries would vary just like the heli prices...
higher demand of helis would lead to higher salaries if the heli price is falling again salaries would have fallen too...
now the visa players can still be in the profit zone when others are losing money when they pay their workers...
ok... they could stop using workers for a short time...
but that way the visa players would become the only ones who are producing helis...
and as i already said those heli comps are the only ones wich are profitable...
in fact admins killed a big part of the economy module with just one update...
btw this is how it is looking today:

means i am earning:
12.78g per day from my workers...
plus 14.78g from my manger work...
and now new: plus 1.5g per free worker tokens (i dont tell how much but as you can see its at least 7.5g per day)
the profit from the manager work doesnt change that much...
the only thing that changes is the profit from workers...
and tbh even with just those 15g per day i could build a new q5 raw comp every 2.3 days...
the gap between visa and not visa players was getting bigger pretty fast even before that update...
there was no need to increase the speed how that gap is raising...
i hope my english was good enough to show you all the effects of that diamond update...

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2 !

Voted. Dead game.

these updates are worse than unbalanced alliances. and they could have done some good changes instead...


can`t tell if they are killing it on purpose or they are just ...


good articel Raf ☺

it was too long bur i read it 

I get profit since i get free workers, but i actually cheat against the people that do not *invest* rl money to this game with one more way. As if the eds, trainig grounds, strategic buildings, did not give me a huge advantage already.. This is what happens when you listen to Jimmyboy. Weldone
Voted of course.

1 ED for 3 diamonds is okay, but not workers. Jimmy Your idea was bad, is bad and i think admins should remove workers from DIAMOND event o/


Simple solution... 1. Give all players % for free token every day and visa player still get permanent token. 2. Make token market. 3. reduce worker slot in 5+ fabric. Summary: more gold for free players and faster better Q company gain, more workers for visa player, higher prices for product, lower salary from overproduction worker tokens. :3

V + S because it s Raf ♥

Hail Diamonds Hail MasterCard

Truth is spoken.


i actually read the whole article which happens rare, unfortinately you are right.

You can still build an empire without visa all you need is 5 players to work together and in few months time you can make a lot of profit

didn t read but love the songs - Fit For Rivals ♥♥♥

tldr ♥♥♥

i dont see how this matters when if u pay you are already getting an advantage just think of it as more gold per package, the game is a browser game and by nature a p2w game, who cares about visa players getting more gold? they are the ones paying for server maintenance anyway

@Maousama for me there is a big difference between buying gold directly and getting something that is making someone unemployed or at least decreasing his salary... also visa players are already having a advantage wich is big enough (q5 damage booster, energy drinks, RPGs wich are if payed with RL money nothing else than weapons for free wich are better than everything that can be produced ingame) against not visa players... they/we (i use some of those things too) dont need even more... what some players need to pay some money for the game is a fair game with lots of nice people... a lot of players are leaving the game... and some already told me that they will never spend money again for the game... not because they want more for their money... they are leaving because the game is getting worse with every update... the most are just playing the game and thinking hey maybe it will get better after the next update... but after the next update they are even less motivated than before because they see wich way this game is going...

I not understand what you all crying.... to make some profit you need at least 10K gold. You understand how much money need be spend to get profit?
If you thinks this free workers really do something you are wrong. I earn almost the same with or without the free workers. so its almost useless for me. i just buy energy drinks instead.


@kami how much salary are you paying your workers? you dont need to buy 10k to make profit... you can buy 1k, use the diamond for worker token and fire one worker and have what you payed your worker before as profit... for example if you pay 1.5g per work you can fire one worker and have 1.5g profit per day... so everyone with 5 stars is having at least 7.5g per day... of curse if the salaries are raising the worth of the free worker tokens will raise too... so since the new update everytimes when the salries are raising and the profit gets smaller for normal players the profit for the visa players isnt decreasing that much because the profit from their free worker tokens is raising at the same moment...

Players VS admins? vote

Jimmy made this game...

Awesome article for a dead game , o7