Publicado em Ireland - Análise e debates políticos - 26 Nov 2016 02:49 - 44

Hi all
One of the functions of Government is security of the State.
The Government of Ireland always takes this duty seriously, we are always looking for threats (external and internal) and trying to mitigate these by various means...
For external threats we try diplomacy first, persuasion etc...and if all fails defend with force. We maintain good relations with our allies fighting for them when needed. The Irish flag is seen in many allies battles Country Statistics. A small nation giving its all to help our friends.
However for internal threats we depend on the Game Administrators doing their job when called upon.
Recently in Ireland we have seen the growth of a 2nd Political Party. You may ask why is this a problem...democracy and all that! And you are right...except the membership of this Party is not what it seems.

Our security department noticed some flags and we discussed the actions needed to secure out state.
The political party grew from one member to 9 in a week (our governing party has 15 members)
You see these members were clearly multies....a fact made obvious to all by the sequential profile numbers.
So these accounts were created one after another and clearly multies.
So we ticket Admin.
More than one of us report this...still waiting.
So we are looking at the PTO of a country, a well run and active little country in eRevollution and all with the blind indifference of Admin.
I am raising this now in an article because I know they read these and in the hope whatever happened is put to the side and the game administrators look at this and do what is needed to be done.
This is a great game without many of the traps of the other game most of us came from. Lets not spiral into complacency and to the disappointment of that game.
I know administration of a game is not easy and I know it is a time consumer but when you create a game you must ume the responsibilities that come with it...answer peoples concerns in a timely fashion is one responsibility and ensuring people play by the rules is another.
Thanks for reading and please vote up to give it the attention we need to have our concerns addressed.

The profile numbers I posted above are now banned and I thank the Administrators for this
My only disappointment was to have to go public as
1 It alerts the PTOers we are on to them
2. ( And this is important) It adds to public negativity of the game...this is a young game still and IMHO way better that the other game and I really did not want to criticise it, or the administrators of it, in sorry about that, :) But it had the result I needed, I highly suggest Admin improve the ticketing system.
KavehG 4 M p3trOs V E RcekolkCaptain HarlockPraxisexkursionPolemosPanzer AceqkrugbyComentários (44)



Voted. We re watching.....

Voted Supported o7

Voted. Wish the best for you

Voted supported o7

Voted supported ô7

Voted support

V o7


voted! support

v+s hail Ireland o/


Voted supported o7

.......and it looks like they got right on it. Chalk one up for going public.

vote o7

Same thing happend to me in estonia. Your bots are probably albanian like mine were





Hope you ll get this situation fixe d guys :/



They are banned!


Go Ireland!

Voted and hope everythink will be ok ! God protect Ireland !

Vote + support. I am ready to join you and help you to defend your country, if this kind of help is needed. Send PM 

6 acounts have permanent bann
What are you talking about????


The accounts we only banned after I posted this...see edit at the end of the article

No more multi accs o7
o7 hard voted


Security Departament rulez !

+ 1 for admins --- although the article was needed with so many votes