Publicado em Ukraine - Análise e debates políticos - 29 Nov 2016 14:44 - 33
Hello eRevollution citizens,
We have concluded the Ukranian campaign with a peaceful solution and hereby I announce the terms of the agreement.
I - Preamble
After a few hours of careful negotiations, the governments of Ukraine, Romania, Georgia, Bulgaria, and Turkey have come to an understanding regarding the current war that brought our countries to the battlefield. A NAP was agreed and the Terms are following:
II - Terms and Conditions
1) Ukraine gives following regions to Romania: Subcarpathia, Bukovina, Volhynia, Galicia and Lodomeria. It's forbidden to make more than 200 millions of damage from Ukrainian's part.
2) Ukraine gives following regions to Bulgaria: Taurida, Barabia, Podolia and Polisia. It's forbidden to make more than 200 millions of damage from Ukrainian's part.
3) Ukraine will not attack Belarus in any of their core regions.
4) Ukraine will receive back following regions: Dnipro, Sloboda, Donbas, and Zaporizhia.
5) Ukraine will rent Siveria to Georgia for 120 gold
6) Vae Victis countries will not Declare War on Ukraine and Vice Versa.
7) The breaking of this agreement will cost 250g.
8) The treaty will be valid for until Day 365 (11th of January) when newly elected country Presidents will be able to re-negotiate agreement between the countries. The date is taken into force due to the reason countries from the agreement have a lot of people which have real life and won't ruin their New Year's celebrations. Both Bulgaria and Ukraine country Presidents wish all player successful new 2017 year and hope that in 2017 Liverpool will become champion of Barclays Premier League.
III - Signatures
Heads of State:
Vae Victis Headquarters:
VV Supreme Commander
VV Secretary of Foreign Affairs
(All signatures in the comments section below)
Kind Regards,
spitfireYG (Ace)
Secretary of Public Relations

Hello eRevollution citizens,
We have concluded the Ukranian campaign with a peaceful solution and hereby I announce the terms of the agreement.
I - Preamble
After a few hours of careful negotiations, the governments of Ukraine, Romania, Georgia, Bulgaria, and Turkey have come to an understanding regarding the current war that brought our countries to the battlefield. A NAP was agreed and the Terms are following:
1) Ukraine gives following regions to Romania: Subcarpathia, Bukovina, Volhynia, Galicia and Lodomeria. It's forbidden to make more than 200 millions of damage from Ukrainian's part.
2) Ukraine gives following regions to Bulgaria: Taurida, Barabia, Podolia and Polisia. It's forbidden to make more than 200 millions of damage from Ukrainian's part.
3) Ukraine will not attack Belarus in any of their core regions.
4) Ukraine will receive back following regions: Dnipro, Sloboda, Donbas, and Zaporizhia.
5) Ukraine will rent Siveria to Georgia for 120 gold
6) Vae Victis countries will not Declare War on Ukraine and Vice Versa.
7) The breaking of this agreement will cost 250g.
8) The treaty will be valid for until Day 365 (11th of January) when newly elected country Presidents will be able to re-negotiate agreement between the countries. The date is taken into force due to the reason countries from the agreement have a lot of people which have real life and won't ruin their New Year's celebrations. Both Bulgaria and Ukraine country Presidents wish all player successful new 2017 year and hope that in 2017 Liverpool will become champion of Barclays Premier League.
Heads of State:
Vae Victis Headquarters:
VV Supreme Commander
VV Secretary of Foreign Affairs
(All signatures in the comments section below)
Kind Regards,
spitfireYG (Ace)
Secretary of Public Relations
no0bsailbotCaptain HarlockComentários (33)

Signed, President of Romanian Empire.

Signed by Supreme Commander of Vae Victis

Signed by CP of Bulgaria.


NOT signed CP of Germany

Signed by MOFA of Georgia

Signed. CP of Ukraine. YNWA, Jus7LeTHaL 


is there anything left of Ukraine which a CP can rule over it?? signed by CP of neverland was more suitable

5) Ukraine will rent Siveria to Georgia for 120 gold
Wanna bet Ukraine will not do that? 

Signed by Riven, The Exile.

Signed by the allmighty biceps

4) Ukraine will receive back following regions: Dnipro, Sloboda, Donbas, and Zaporizhia.I guess nothing grows there you can raise turkey there we will give you loan

Delete all countries then make nap with all of them...

dude how can a sane CP sign sth like this ???as a human and a player I cant really understand how someone can be so low and accept such a humiliation ?? where is your honor??

wanna bet that it s not forbidden to do more than 200m? hahahahaha I have seen many stupid naps by mdp, this is the stupidest by far

120 for a region... auch

what will happen if Ukraine do 201m dmg?? Turks leaving game???

Ukraine needs to have own political course and change approach in the game. This NAP should be a fresh start. Those players from certain country show that they are looking only for their own interests and expect Ukraine to be victim of their politic. This time is pass, Ukraine will secure own future without serving other countries with suicidal political approach. Signed and looking for improvement in relations between own country and members of Vae Victis.

@Levi did we ask you to start a war?? you started it and you weren t brave enough to continue. well for people like you this humiliation is the best you can get and mdp have enough puppets you have to work hard to improve your relations to level of a puppet good luck in that




Signed - Secretary of Foreign affairs of VV

All that you need to know about ukrainian understanding of reality
For Bulgaria 3x more damage than for Greece. What can we talk about any libertyunity. This NAP is maximum that our people deserve.

120 golds? Fuck

signed o7

I never spoke with you Kaveh, or with anybody else about this war. This war was impossible to win, so it makes only damage to my country. I don t expect you to fight for my country or represent interest of Ukraine. You have your country, so be my guest, please continue with your political course.
About Ukraine, I want to see my country powerful again, like in the first days of the game. With current allies, this is not possible. According to my understanding of loyalty and patriotism, I will do EVERYTHING to resurrect power of Ukraine. So, you can continue to comment as much as you wish, this will not change my attitude or provoke any other answer.

Shame on mdp2

There is no reason for new players like me to hate another countries, even enemies. I need my own chance to feel this game and make conclusions. NAP is just this chance. Within a month of this NAP I will have possibility to understand why some ppl in my country are so blind and aggresive towards others and finally form an ingame worldview.

120 gold? @maxara40 don t sign 

Signed, President of Georgia

Giga, shame? Georgia - sattelite mdp, that s a real shame