Publicado em Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) - Análise e debates políticos - 09 Dec 2016 15:56 - 37

Greetings people of eRevollution,
I am back again with an article from VV, without further ado let me Introduce you the HQ for this month

Supreme Commander: ATEHTATOPOT
Vice Supreme Commander: Mohammad.No0bsailbot
Military Commander: Resident Evil
Vice-Military Commander: rezaderaz
Secretary of Foreign Affairs: spitifireYG (Ace)
Vice-Secretary of Foreign Affairs: Tsilo
Secretary of Public Relations:
There have been changes to this position from now on all VV news will be published through the current SC Newspaper or the current SoFA Newspaper so please remember to sub to those newspapers.

Kind Regards,
spitfireYG (Ace)
Secretary of Foreign Affairs
el EvanslmperiusZE BUNDAKinyasno0bsailbotGiovinco69no0bsailbotrezaderaz2pingTony SopranoThe BOBOsitorMukhraniComentários (37)

【Vae Victis】New Adventures

Hail Vae Victis ! o7

No vote 


Hail Vae Victis ! o7

Where s Kinyas ^^ ?

Were is Kinays

No Kinyas no vote

No kinyas no MDP 2.0, now VV is nothing bye dudes, cheers and have a good life.

Kinyas is always here
. o7

In Ace We Trust o7

Alternator SC AHAHAHAHHAHAHHAAHHA now i saw everything

Fyroman as SC, VV is going down for sure

naah he will be just errand boy who is doing what kinyas say 

@Mortarion, well Fyromans are really good puppies, they always do what master say


مسعود فور اور


Hail Vae Victis!

vice supreme commander is noob, thats what his nickname says :/

Good luck Macedonia in Leadership o7

Heya Ace-san o/ No Kinyatard = No Vote


where is kinyas ? crying is some dark corner i bet , typical of him ....
booo mommy that mean atentator to my position :cry cry

@vooz you got me :/

Hail VV o7

τι μακεδονια ρε αναπηροι?

No Kinyas No Vote