Publicado em Georgia - Assuntos financeiros - 13 Dec 2016 13:58 - 19

Government of Georgia presents tothe gamers of Erevollution an offer.
As you know Georgia has 3x bonuses, low taxes, Stabile andactive monetary market.
Because of that our government decided to offer you twokinds of product.
These are: 1/3 + 1/3 refund and 5% refund for buildingfactories.
You can log in here and fill out apps
or read here
eRevGeorgia WebSite

If you produce in Georgia then you will be refunded third of the tax you paid – daily and if you will build companies in Georgia during the sale, then we will gift you 1/3 of all the taxes you paid before while producing in Georgia. Yes! – You heard correctly in Total you will get 2/3 tax refund.
For this you must fill in the application below.
- 1/3 tax refund will be as soon as it will be checked out
- In application must be one screenshot where will be shown the money you spent and the game day.
It must be like
- If you won’t fill application correctly you won’t get therefund
- If you’ll have any additional questions write to the CP of Georgia

There are a lot of businessmen in Erevollution who are gathering gold for building Great factories and all of it ends just like that.
Georgian Government offers you unique chance for growing your business.
If you will change location and will build factory in Georgia we will gift you 5% of gold which you spend on the factory.
Also if you will continue producing in Georgia you will get 1/3 tax refund.
For example: if you will spend 1000 gold in Georgia by building factories you will get 50 gold back as a gift.
For this you will need to fill this application.
- In application you must fill all the lines.
- 5% gold back will be as soon as it will be checked out
- In application must be two screenshot where will be shown 1)Treasury and game time 2) Treasury after you’ve build factories and game time.
- The time of building factories must be maximum 10 minutes.
- All of this will be shown in screenshots like this
- If you won’t fill application correctly you won’t get the gold.
- If you’ll have any additional questions write to the CPof Georgia
Earlier sale is starting!
Because the new world is being born here!
Become successful businessmen with us!
With respect
Government of Georgia
Contact info
Discord: https://discord.gg/KWzcf3H
E-mail: erevollutiongeorgia@gmail.com
web: eRevGeorgia
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