Publicado em Romania - Entreterimento e interações sociais - 24 Dec 2016 08:12 - 67

Dream but one dream of the past.
The light from a fire is in all our homes
But the flames from the hearth won't last.
For faint and few are the embers,
Snuggle up and keep on your gloves;
What the Winter Heart always remembers
Is the warmth of a heart that loves.
Vae Victis more than just an alliance it's a family, A family composed of different races and ethnicity. We of the Vae Victis community would like to wish everyone around the world a Merry Christmas. May the prosperous road of eRevollution continues to last forever and always.
Merry Christmas!

salamandra123ATEHTATOPOTKinyasBattleHerosutanuTovarDanteTricky DickIkta Solorkpop trajanBaby Jesusno0bsailbotlord commanderTantisDieselONovatoThe RedCaptain HarlockDunciJoker Evilgiovinco10Thomas GreenHanyokrowatiJEBEN VAM MRTVU MATERPiromanComentários (67)


o7 hail vea

Hail Vae Victis ! o7






Merry Christmas !


Wish you all good! o7

merry xmas to all! Happy holidays ♥

o7 Happy Holidays 

Joyeux Noël ! (:

Merry Christmas 聖誕快樂 

Merry xmas!


o7 !

Feliz Navidad

o7 joyeux Noël

Merry Christmas to you too

Feliz Navidad a todos o/

Merry Christmas

Mutlu noeller!

Καλά Χριστούγεννα σε όλους!!!

Crăciun fericit!

ქრისტეშობას გილოცავთ! - Marry Christmas in Georgian


Mutlu Yıllar 

Весела Коледа!

Merry Christmas

feliz navidad !!!!!!!

Merry Christmas!!

Feliz Natal!!!! 


Felicidades a todos !!!!


Craciun fericit!

Joyeux noel 

Merry Christmas

Gezuar Krishtlindjet! 

Yanacaksınız fakirlerrr

Merry Christmas o7

joyeux Noël

Merry Christmas

God Jul!!!

Sretan i blagoslovljen Božić

Merry christmas

Buon Natale, to everyone!

Христос се роди!


Merry Christmas !!! o7

Merry Christmas
but what asilly map, Turks have a latinogen language and they celebrate Cristmas?
why Cyprus is divided?
and which is the etymological relatedness between Hellenic and Albanian? maybe all the map should had a bit of blue
Buon natale baby