Publicado em Poland - Assuntos financeiros - 06 Feb 2016 18:36 - 36
Polish translation:
Spanish translation:
so as i mentioned not everyone of you knows the real face of erev...
well maybe im just too drunk or tired or both because its 3 am in germany...
but i will show it to you in two examples...
FIRST: q1 heli comps for everyone... o/
as i can see in some PMs after my small shout talk (its late... if the S4Sers are sleeping its sometimes possible to talk in the shouts... you have to trust me in that case i cant proof it) some people still think that all 0 star 0 ref medal random guys wich are selling q1 helis for gold are buying them from the country markets...
thats not completly right...
some do it... yes... but the most have their own q1 heli comps...
how is that possible?
so here is the math:
a q1 gun comp costs 10g q2 20 q3 70 q4 170 and q5 370g...
same with tanks and helis...
so if you add all those numbers you get the following: (gun comp:10+20+70+170+370)+(tank comp:10+20+70+170+370)+(heli comp:10)=1290g
so to build your first q1 heli comp you have to spend 1290g...
after purchase of 1000g you get your second (first for 1g purchased) premium star...
and everyone knows that you have to build up training too...
and the last section in the calculation is the most important...
even more text:
so what is the big secret i am talking about?
imagine a rich (followin RB...) is building a q5 weapon comp and a q5 tank comp...
he got a some guys in his MU wich dont have the money but he want his country to be strong...
he is a tank so he cant waste all his hits per day for producing q1 helis and send them to the poor ones...
so he is making it the other way around...
he is selling (10 days after he build them...) his q5 gun and q5 tank comp to a random poor guy (following RPG...) of his choice for together lets say 5g and donates 500g to him...
that RPG is using all the gold he have for building 20 thousend (dont nail me on numbers pls) q1 heli comps...
and now the bug: he can sell the q5 gun and q5 tank comp imediatly again...
he does not have to wait 10 days to sell them again...
and what a surprise as if they where talking about it on irc the RB is buying them back for 5g each...
so what happened here?
in the free economy someone whould call it outsourcing... :D
the RB have given the right to build heli comps to the RPG to save his hits for the fight...
the RPG is happy because he can produce what just the RBs can produce and he can sell it on the market (thats why so much RPGs are selling q1 helis here) for very good gold
the best is that the RB is having back his comps within minutes and can do it again and again with every RPG of his country...
there are borders you think?
you just can support your own country if you are a RB you think?
nah... :D
this game does have for every problem a small but effective bug... o/
you are selling the comps on the market of your location not of your CS...
that means our RB from serbia just have to move to albania (i know sounds funny but its just an example) and put his comps ther on sale...
the albanian RPG is buyinge them and building q1 heli comps...
after that both guys move to serbia...
the RPG is selling the q5 comps and viola all is done within minutes...
so as i heared admin changed it yesterday so you cant sell tank comps anymore...
i dont know if that is realy true because my tank comp is younger than 10 days so i cant sell it...
what happened why admin changed something now?
he was losing money...
every noob could build q1 helis without having to pay the 1290g...
and how did he changed it?
well as always... in the most comfortable way (for him)
he realy just blocked the tank comp sell (so i heard it)
there was no taking back q1 heli comps or banns or anything else...
so now we have some RPGs wich can flood the market with heavy weapons and we have realy poor guys wich cant never get suported to have the same advantage like the cheaters...
wow that was a lot
the selling thing and country market change stuff was tested by me several times...
but just with a q5 gun comp (as i offered in my first article)
throw some stones on me if you see me on the same step like the guys wich did that a whole day with two comps... :P
second: the lets make some gold from nothing for our country...^^
for some its may be new for some old stuff...
for every comp you build the country of your CS is getting 10% gold...
not bad... all good...
but imagine there whould be a comp wich could be downgraded for the same price as it cost to upgrade it...

you remember the price to upgrade a q3 comp?
so what happens if someone is upgrading and degrading the same comp over and over again?
yep everytimes you do it your country treasury will grow for 7g and you lose nothing...
you MAKE gold out of nothing...

we have tested it some times (3 times or so) and where holding our stomachs from loughing because of such a stupid bug...
but later the day when we where talking at irc me and the polish CP couldnt trust our eyes...
the CT was growing about minutes...
every refresh a new number...
it just stoped when it reached 800g!!! (2g are from me because i am a RB and build two more q1 heli comps)
i bet we havent been the only country where that happened...
btw now you cant degrade a q3 comp anymore...
admins changed it... but they didnt deleted the wrong number of gold in country treasurys...
i hope you have same much fun with those bugs like me...
they are killing the game but who cares? i dont...
and tbh here is noone crying about that because both sides used them...
its just a crying if one side is cheating more...
this just shows of the tue face of erev...
not the cheating crying is the problem...
the problem is just that the most guys think the other side is cheating so i can cheat too and i will cheat even more than them to get top in ranking...
so if you are searching your souls after death you sold them for some pixels in a internet game... :D
this game will not have an epic end but the ethic ends here for sure...
Spanish translation:
so as i mentioned not everyone of you knows the real face of erev...
well maybe im just too drunk or tired or both because its 3 am in germany...
but i will show it to you in two examples...
FIRST: q1 heli comps for everyone... o/
as i can see in some PMs after my small shout talk (its late... if the S4Sers are sleeping its sometimes possible to talk in the shouts... you have to trust me in that case i cant proof it) some people still think that all 0 star 0 ref medal random guys wich are selling q1 helis for gold are buying them from the country markets...
thats not completly right...
some do it... yes... but the most have their own q1 heli comps...
how is that possible?
so here is the math:
a q1 gun comp costs 10g q2 20 q3 70 q4 170 and q5 370g...
same with tanks and helis...
so if you add all those numbers you get the following: (gun comp:10+20+70+170+370)+(tank comp:10+20+70+170+370)+(heli comp:10)=1290g
so to build your first q1 heli comp you have to spend 1290g...
after purchase of 1000g you get your second (first for 1g purchased) premium star...
and everyone knows that you have to build up training too...
and the last section in the calculation is the most important...
even more text:
so what is the big secret i am talking about?
imagine a rich (followin RB...) is building a q5 weapon comp and a q5 tank comp...
he got a some guys in his MU wich dont have the money but he want his country to be strong...
he is a tank so he cant waste all his hits per day for producing q1 helis and send them to the poor ones...
so he is making it the other way around...
he is selling (10 days after he build them...) his q5 gun and q5 tank comp to a random poor guy (following RPG...) of his choice for together lets say 5g and donates 500g to him...
that RPG is using all the gold he have for building 20 thousend (dont nail me on numbers pls) q1 heli comps...
and now the bug: he can sell the q5 gun and q5 tank comp imediatly again...
he does not have to wait 10 days to sell them again...
and what a surprise as if they where talking about it on irc the RB is buying them back for 5g each...
so what happened here?
in the free economy someone whould call it outsourcing... :D
the RB have given the right to build heli comps to the RPG to save his hits for the fight...
the RPG is happy because he can produce what just the RBs can produce and he can sell it on the market (thats why so much RPGs are selling q1 helis here) for very good gold
the best is that the RB is having back his comps within minutes and can do it again and again with every RPG of his country...
there are borders you think?
you just can support your own country if you are a RB you think?
nah... :D
this game does have for every problem a small but effective bug... o/
you are selling the comps on the market of your location not of your CS...
that means our RB from serbia just have to move to albania (i know sounds funny but its just an example) and put his comps ther on sale...
the albanian RPG is buyinge them and building q1 heli comps...
after that both guys move to serbia...
the RPG is selling the q5 comps and viola all is done within minutes...
so as i heared admin changed it yesterday so you cant sell tank comps anymore...
i dont know if that is realy true because my tank comp is younger than 10 days so i cant sell it...
what happened why admin changed something now?
he was losing money...
every noob could build q1 helis without having to pay the 1290g...
and how did he changed it?
well as always... in the most comfortable way (for him)
he realy just blocked the tank comp sell (so i heard it)
there was no taking back q1 heli comps or banns or anything else...
so now we have some RPGs wich can flood the market with heavy weapons and we have realy poor guys wich cant never get suported to have the same advantage like the cheaters...
wow that was a lot
the selling thing and country market change stuff was tested by me several times...
but just with a q5 gun comp (as i offered in my first article)
throw some stones on me if you see me on the same step like the guys wich did that a whole day with two comps... :P
second: the lets make some gold from nothing for our country...^^
for some its may be new for some old stuff...
for every comp you build the country of your CS is getting 10% gold...
not bad... all good...
but imagine there whould be a comp wich could be downgraded for the same price as it cost to upgrade it...

you remember the price to upgrade a q3 comp?
so what happens if someone is upgrading and degrading the same comp over and over again?
yep everytimes you do it your country treasury will grow for 7g and you lose nothing...
you MAKE gold out of nothing...

we have tested it some times (3 times or so) and where holding our stomachs from loughing because of such a stupid bug...
but later the day when we where talking at irc me and the polish CP couldnt trust our eyes...
the CT was growing about minutes...
every refresh a new number...
it just stoped when it reached 800g!!! (2g are from me because i am a RB and build two more q1 heli comps)
i bet we havent been the only country where that happened...
btw now you cant degrade a q3 comp anymore...
admins changed it... but they didnt deleted the wrong number of gold in country treasurys...
i hope you have same much fun with those bugs like me...
they are killing the game but who cares? i dont...
and tbh here is noone crying about that because both sides used them...
its just a crying if one side is cheating more...
this just shows of the tue face of erev...
not the cheating crying is the problem...
the problem is just that the most guys think the other side is cheating so i can cheat too and i will cheat even more than them to get top in ranking...
so if you are searching your souls after death you sold them for some pixels in a internet game... :D
this game will not have an epic end but the ethic ends here for sure...
FranckyGenocidio von Amano IkariEl ProfesorGdzieJaJestemTutorialComentários (36)

shout if you like:
here is the masterpiece of a mixture of beer, energy drink and tabac...

Damn man. That's some lousy programming. And while they fixed/patched it, the damage is already done =/
Voted. I think I'll even translate it =/

omg i wish i found this bug earlier
great article and thanks for putting the effort to write this at 4 am 

Thank you for writing this article.

wow... good article......

spanish translation:

Are you fu*king joking me? So you could degradeing q3 compnay and return same gold and upgrade and like that country resive 7g? I mean i know for that rull that country resive money BUT DID THEY FU-K-NG REALLY SET DEGRADE AND UPGRADE SAME PRICE??? omg... really now some country can be rich becasuse they used bug...
And about companys i know that and we wanted to do that, but they set that you cant sell q5 tank company on market. Well admin if you destroy game on begin with that stupid move, give it back so we can keepo work on that of simply set all companys to be GUN and remove TANK and HELI !!!
The best part of this article is admins moves. When they see bug, they dont fix it they just CLOSE something and dont remove it...
Vote and shout for this article !!! GJ man !!!

so if you are searching your souls after death you sold them for some pixels in a internet game... so deep.

uhm yes... if you have a q3 comp you can still see it... the numbers are still ther you just cant degrade it anymore...^^ also we tested it 3 times when the bug was still active because we cant believe it too... i mean poland was rich (i was building a lot comps here the last some days and other people too) before but it was maximum something around 400-450g or so... not 800g... to reach 800g within some minutes someone whould have to invest 4k gold into companys... and we whould know about it if someone in poland is having 4k or more gold... 

Like that you could help daily a lot of players: For example if somebody give Q5 gun and tank and make more then 20 q1 companys you could daily give to lets say 2 ppl q1 heli and up TC on lvl 4.... ofc you will make only 500 max on day because more gold we all see and we will ask then WTF !?!?
You are lucky guyz 

Voted hard.

Admin should block "buy gold" button

the question is what should admin do now... is there any data from the country treasury? does admin even know how much of the countrys gold is from the bug? and in the other case: allowing again the bug? or deleting the q1 heli comps wich have been build by using this bug? if it stays that way as it is it whould be the worst solution... the countrys dont know how much of their gold they can use without maybe getting banned later and the poor (what means poor? it whould be 99% of all players) players dont know how to mess with the guys wich allready have all those q1 heli comps...

I think that he cant fix anything now, first you need to watch every country ans found that BUG gold, then found ppl who bought Q5 tank and make a lot of Q1 heli... that is hard and myb imposible.

What about hard reset,like in previous games
But hey,they never fixed any bug,so i don't think that's possible...

Gold in country treasure is not problem, I think bigger problem is that many ppl in game have heli Q1 company without having Q5 tank. Now we cant buy it so we are will lose in battle becouse some newbies was faster with using bugs...

there is to many bugs and game fails on so many lvls
what they should do is make this whole thing just test, fix stuff and buggs and reset game and who ever invested money give them that in gold at start.
Or just do right thing, and who used bug's to their advantage as its in rules, Ban-Hammer

Reset and "back to open beta phase" is a good idea.

BTW - article about accusing another player skyrocketed into top. Article about bugs had to wait 7 hours to join the top articles. Does all players who voted the first atrticle used the bugs? ;]


"...article about accusing another player skyrocketed into top. Article about bugs had to wait 7 hours to join the top articles..." That other article was much better promoted - entire alliance promoted it Ilegal bugs destroy the game ROLL BACK NOW SHOUT
admins are fixing the country money problem...

@MR i know that you love me... but pls dont make it public... we have to keep some secrets... 

Can't wait to see what will happen to all players who get Q1 tank/heli with abuse way 


U made my day ;-)
p.s. History repeats itself!


@lonsiege, could you explain that on #eRev.PL IRC Channel? Rizon server. 

Ilegal bugs destroy the game ROLL BACK NOW, SHOUT

wow. So I give money to try and make a few companies. And someone has a lot of q1 heli companies from a bug. Nice one admins. Its not your fault. Its mine 

well its one thing to build a bug accidently... and its another thing to use that bug for your own effort...

We honest players seek compensation one q1 heli company from Admin

Many of us supported game with real money, and someone just like that got all that for free.. as Borkan said, ether we should all have Q1 heli or nobody who didnt actually spent 1200 gold that it cost to reach there. Tho to be honest, it doenst look like that game will last for long , and i was hoping for it to be better than erep :/

too lazy didn't read

Should reset the game to zero again starting around day 1 and those who made purchases of gold that were on the purchased gold and thus is the most fair.