Publicado em Ireland - Análise e debates políticos - 24 Feb 2017 12:07 - 13

Hi Citizens
With all that's going on recently I believe it is high time you got a update.
I will deal with the military situation last :P
Due to real life commitments our CP Luke Granier has had to go into two click mode. He named me as successor and Congress approved my appointment. While I feel I am a woefully unworthy replacement I will do my best during these turbulent times.
On behalf of all eIrish citizens I extend our thanks to Luke and hope the commitments in RL get sorted.
I have named my Cabinet as follows...
vCP & MoD is Liam Tatlock
MoFA is OrignalQc (He remains in the roles for a short while)
Imm Minister (& Security) Thomas Kees
I have vacancies for Governor and soon to be vacant MoFA so please PM me if interested.
Next you will see our recent influx of French Citizens have returned home to France. France is now under serious attack from Vae Victis and understandably they are defending their homeland.
We thank the fighters of 14e Régiment and AVALANCHE for joining us and making the last few months the most fun.

Of course losing such damage from the nation has had consequences one of which is that we are removed from Délos. This is understandable and our spot will be replaced by a country with more damage to give. We wish Délos the best.
So to the military situation.
No way of masking it we are in a bad spot. It took the might of 3 VV nations to subdue us and we are down to one region. While we have been given terms for peace we have rejected them and negotiations are continuing.

USA and Poland whispering in Canada's ears
Be ured we have many friends still and will be the most annoying occupied lands until a deal is signed. We will continue to RW earning TP Gold and we will rebuild.
Our Lands will be free again and we will rise phoenix style from under the yoke of the oppressor.
I will continue to post updates, not as long as this I hope :P as I get news...
Hold on to your hats citizens this ride is going to get wild :P

Winston Hope Smith
ConnenNeuteDarnskoPalmerComentários (13)



o7 voted

here comes that boiya.. who be that boy ... who be coming down da street ... he be dancin to tha beat ....who be that boiyaaa ....It s duchman

Spankiiiii where r u spankii i have DS lol

Ireland did a stellar job of shaking things up. Your timing was impeccable. Thanks!

as was Canada changing sides mid stream...nice

Healthy, Wealthy and Dumb, good 

3vs1 ...

What were the terms of peace? And which country do I nuke first in revenge?

Terms have not been agreed and are under discussion...expect a PM very soon