Publicado em Georgia - Entreterimento e interações sociais - 10 Mar 2017 08:19 - 80
As you know, I started to write an article series on last Saturday. I am publishing photos of players. I will publish RL photos of Georgian Players in this article. Let s see!
როგორც თქვენ იცით მე დავიწყე სტატიების სერია წინა შაბათს. მე ვტვირთავ მოთამაშეების ფოტოებს. მე გამოვაქვეყნებ ქართველი მოთამაშეების ფოტოებს ამ სტატიაში. მოდით ვნახოთ!!!
თუ ქართველიხარ, გთხოვ გამომიგზავნო შენი სურათი.
(Thanks to svani9 for translate)
1- HasHisHi
2- Serpent (Tsilo)
3- AravchamotPuri and Ninchuta
4- Ninchuta
5- Hell Knnight
6- Beast
7- Gama and Maxara40

Best Couple :D
8- Georgian Soldier
9- Cavea
10- Geobody

11- Ready to Die
12- salamandra123
13- svani9
14- Mariami

15- Alex King II
He is 10 in this photo. Now he is 13 :)
16- Sterner Ekolab

17- Mengrelian


19- Chee

20- ediko

21- BokeraCR

22- The Blue Sun
23- Aveun

24- JanGo

25- Captain Nemo
26- vzag21

Do not forget to vote and subscribe
As you know, I started to write an article series on last Saturday. I am publishing photos of players. I will publish RL photos of Georgian Players in this article. Let s see!
როგორც თქვენ იცით მე დავიწყე სტატიების სერია წინა შაბათს. მე ვტვირთავ მოთამაშეების ფოტოებს. მე გამოვაქვეყნებ ქართველი მოთამაშეების ფოტოებს ამ სტატიაში. მოდით ვნახოთ!!!
თუ ქართველიხარ, გთხოვ გამომიგზავნო შენი სურათი.
(Thanks to svani9 for translate)
1- HasHisHi

2- Serpent (Tsilo)

3- AravchamotPuri and Ninchuta

4- Ninchuta

6- Beast

7- Gama and Maxara40

Best Couple :D
8- Georgian Soldier

9- Cavea

10- Geobody

11- Ready to Die

12- salamandra123

13- svani9

14- Mariami

15- Alex King II

16- Sterner Ekolab

17- Mengrelian


19- Chee

20- ediko

21- BokeraCR

22- The Blue Sun

23- Aveun

24- JanGo

25- Captain Nemo

26- vzag21

Do not forget to vote and subscribe
nikoloz IAravchamotpuriKinyasGrizzly021Burashvili GiorgiBurashvili GiorgiHanibalMengreliannikoloz IYamamotonikoloz Inikoloz IG 4 M p3trOs V E RDstranGEEReJSDeath Angel AzrielvaxosirbiladzeChrisGeoRMLeD ZePPeLiNSzilvesztersalamandra123CimenBatushavyverashavyveraTHE ONEMiltiadosNocturnoxKon SamaKon SamaKon SamaBig Pappa WolfKozzanostraaBunnyLiuDstranGEBALANTA BALANTAMushvanI am doneI am doneJose Mourovzag21M A N T E XKingdom GuardJanGoBlackfuryComentários (80)

Hmm Ninchuta is very beatutiful 



Hail Georgia!!!

gama and maxara 40 are in relationship ?
just joking, nice to see who we fight against

maxara hahaha

◘ Jacado her profile link for 50 gold?

რა ხალხი :დ

@Aravchamotpuri, he can search and find her. Why he should give 50 gold for that? 

When Poland?

@youmu, IDK. Next article will be about French players and fourth article will be about Turkish players. I will contact with you when i will write article about Polish guys 


Tsilo is the little boy

very sexi


where is otari aka laluka???

Governador pff im big xD

u r smoking in front of ur kid!!! r u serious (-_-)

nice v

◘ Kaann/Jaca ▬ Her FB profile

Alex King II have a gay face 

@vaxosirbiladze HMMM

How does the homeless guy play? (#6)

ამხელა ტიტან ხალხში როგორ მოვხვდი :დ Maxara40
I thought you were straight
Ill keep my ass away from you 

Voted!! Hail friends of Georgia!!

haha v+

Mariami s eyes 

@petros2, I found his photo when he is a little child but he said do not publish it. So, i can not publish it, sorry. 

Where is lukaluka 

Petros... its my brothers son im smoking weed its good for health 

@Georgian Soldier, look the comment before yours.

@Scripthen looooool
BEAST მოდი აქა 

Kaan eline saglik xd


@Atropatess, serinin 4. makalesinde Türk oyuncuların fotoğraflarını yayınlayacağım. Hazırlayın fotoğrafları 

kaan biraz kız fotosu yayınla 

Mariami! Pretty damn cute eyes!!! 

@Doom, gelenleri koyuyorum bakalım atan olucak mı

ohh i am homeless
funny joke
nice pictures and mariami s eyes ^-^



Just Beast And Mariami 


Beast is actually skinny 😂😂

aleksa magari kacia 

We are having Wedding on Sunday, lets clap for our couple:Maxara and GAMA.

Tsilo trying to be CP with third (buyed) acc? :-)

Hey Mariami o/ 

Hi all o/

Mariami nin gözlerinde esir kaldım lanet olası federaller

Yalnız Ninchuta yaşlanınca çok çirkin olur gibiiii

Mariami de erik gibi kütür kütür. haschwalt167 +1

Serpent as Harry Potter

prepare for the fap ladies!

Hansome guys and beautiful ladies 


haşvalt ateist imam yavaş gelin :d

Yea people call me Harry Potter
but this freak Serbs who blames me that I bought account are on RAGE mode
give me docs please my little cryharders 

15- Alex King II o7

Georgian soloder do you even lift brah?

ჰეჰ ო7

where are the nudes? = (

subs, waiting for Indonesian players 

Mariami and Ninchuta

Que buena q está Ninchuta!!

Maxara40 and Gama, Love is in the air! 

o7 Good Job

Pretty girls

mariam is not very pretty guys )) go watch brazzers or get girls ))

Hail Georgia
Thancks kaann

აქა მშვიდობააა