Publicado em Spain - Análise e debates políticos - 12 Mar 2017 15:20 - 18
Día 427 12 de marzo 17
Buenos días , buenas tardes , buenas noches queridos lectores:
Good morning, good afternoon, good night, dear readers:
Os dejamos con dos mapas políticos europeos
We leave you with two European political maps
Gobiernos actuales en eEuropa ( Grupo político del presidente )
Current Governments in eEurope ( Political group of the president )

Los gobiernos más votados en eEuropa
Governments with more votes in eEuropa

Son datos de juego
They are game data
próximamente américa si se vota este articulo
Coming soon america If they vote this article
Que pasen buen dia buena tarde o buena noche, deseamos le haya gustado, informado o entretenido
Have a good day good afternoon or good night, We wish you liked, Informed or entertained
Buenos días , buenas tardes , buenas noches queridos lectores:
Good morning, good afternoon, good night, dear readers:
Os dejamos con dos mapas políticos europeos
We leave you with two European political maps
Gobiernos actuales en eEuropa ( Grupo político del presidente )
Current Governments in eEurope ( Political group of the president )

Los gobiernos más votados en eEuropa
Governments with more votes in eEuropa

Son datos de juego
They are game data
próximamente américa si se vota este articulo
Coming soon america If they vote this article
Que pasen buen dia buena tarde o buena noche, deseamos le haya gustado, informado o entretenido
Have a good day good afternoon or good night, We wish you liked, Informed or entertained
12345Raggnar LothbrokLara CroftGtmardelComentários (18)

coño turquia extrema derecha es una sorpresa

votado xD

your map is actually wrong my friend. All of Europe is under the shades of right wing, what alters is the character of right in every case. Ex-communistic right, nationalist right, xenophobic right, kind-of-radical-left right, junda right, anti-european right, and shit like this. You know what I mean

@Ktab The game does not provide so many options

me gusta como laburas, un orgullo leer tus diarios

voy a conseguirte esos 5 su ores que te faltan porque te lo mereces

Alemania extrema izquierda? que clase de faso fumas?

Nicolas el presidente de alemani actual esta en este partido, miralo tumismo

1st map is totally inacurate, and the 2nd is simply inexplicaple what the hell does top governments mean??

russia is extreme left lol lol lol?
your article is one big fail man what is this ? @Harley Traktorson The ruling party is not extreme left?

this is fake, croatia red ?? lol and russia red ? cmon dude

Look @Krobaca Governments with more votes in croatia


Georgia, Armenia and turkey does not consider as europe. where is cyprus? where is greece, the netherlands,?

ktab, i want ^shit like that^ goverment option on game