Publicado em Romania - Análise da guerra - 27 Mar 2017 20:47 - 6
Salutare AvengerS,
Vreau sa anunt ca este disponibil un post de capitan. Daca e cineva interesat astept mesaj privat.
Cu putina intarziere este placerea mea sa anunt jucatorii care au dat cel mai mare damage in ultima saptamana. De asemenea au primit si premiile aferente.
Top Damage Naval - se adreseaza tuturor jucatorilor din AvengerS
Locul 1 - 250 nave Q5 GiovaniIm
Locul 2 - 150 nave Q5 TonySimion
Locul 3 - 100 nave Q5 stickss

Top Damage Land Junior - se adreseaza jucatorilor cu forta (strenght) mai mica de 6000
Locul 1 - 250 heli Q5 DennisMAN
Locul 2 - 150 heli Q5 lille
Locul 3 - 100 heli Q5 vladooff

Top Damage Land - se adreseaza jucatorilor cu forta mai mare de 6000
Locul 1 - 250 heli Q5 1uponAstar
Locul 2 - 150 heli Q5 PrinzEugen
Locul 3 - 100 heli Q5 Florin I
Hail AvengerS ! Hail Romania !
Va multumesc,
sutanu Comandant AvengerS,
A position of captain is available. I expect private messages from interested people.
With a small delay it is my pleasure to announce players that have dealt the most damage in the last week. The prizes were also sent.
Top Damage Naval - for all the players from AvengerS
1st place - 250 warships Q5 GiovaniIm
2nd place - 150 warships Q5 TonySimion
3rd place - 100 warships Q5 stickss

Top Damage Land Junior - for players with less than 6000 strenght
1st place - 250 heli Q5 DennisMAN
2nd place - 150 heli Q5 lille
3rd place - 100 heli Q5 vladooff

Top Damage Land - for players with strenght bigger than 6000
1st place - 250 heli Q5 1uponAstar
2nd place - 150 heli Q5 PrinzEugen
3rd place - 100 heli Q5 Florin I
Hail AvengerS ! Hail Romania !
Thank you,
sutanu Commander AvengerS,
Vreau sa anunt ca este disponibil un post de capitan. Daca e cineva interesat astept mesaj privat.
Cu putina intarziere este placerea mea sa anunt jucatorii care au dat cel mai mare damage in ultima saptamana. De asemenea au primit si premiile aferente.
Top Damage Naval - se adreseaza tuturor jucatorilor din AvengerS
Locul 1 - 250 nave Q5 GiovaniIm
Locul 2 - 150 nave Q5 TonySimion
Locul 3 - 100 nave Q5 stickss

Top Damage Land Junior - se adreseaza jucatorilor cu forta (strenght) mai mica de 6000
Locul 1 - 250 heli Q5 DennisMAN
Locul 2 - 150 heli Q5 lille
Locul 3 - 100 heli Q5 vladooff

Top Damage Land - se adreseaza jucatorilor cu forta mai mare de 6000
Locul 1 - 250 heli Q5 1uponAstar
Locul 2 - 150 heli Q5 PrinzEugen
Locul 3 - 100 heli Q5 Florin I
Hail AvengerS ! Hail Romania !
Va multumesc,
sutanu Comandant AvengerS,
A position of captain is available. I expect private messages from interested people.
With a small delay it is my pleasure to announce players that have dealt the most damage in the last week. The prizes were also sent.
Top Damage Naval - for all the players from AvengerS
1st place - 250 warships Q5 GiovaniIm
2nd place - 150 warships Q5 TonySimion
3rd place - 100 warships Q5 stickss

Top Damage Land Junior - for players with less than 6000 strenght
1st place - 250 heli Q5 DennisMAN
2nd place - 150 heli Q5 lille
3rd place - 100 heli Q5 vladooff

Top Damage Land - for players with strenght bigger than 6000
1st place - 250 heli Q5 1uponAstar
2nd place - 150 heli Q5 PrinzEugen
3rd place - 100 heli Q5 Florin I
Hail AvengerS ! Hail Romania !
Thank you,
sutanu Commander AvengerS,
Comentários (6)



wow sunt si eu pe acolo


Felicitari pentru concurs!