Publicado em Iran - Entreterimento e interações sociais - 16 Jul 2017 12:34 - 60
I know this is a game and not a lot of people will care, but I have decided to write down a few words, or I would feel guilt for staying silent for such a hero.
As some of you may know, Maryam Mirzakhani, mathematical genius and professor of mathematics in Standford University, has ped away yesterday. She was 40 years old, and was fighting breast cancer for some time now.
Mirzakhani was already famous in the field of mathematics, her works were being cited by scholars from all around the world. She cemented her fame in mathematics when she was found worthy of the Fields Medal in 2014, an award that is given every 4 years and has an age restriction. This award is considered the greatest honor a mathematician can have. What is special about Mirzakhani was that she was the first woman to get the Fields Medal.
I am not going to write down her biography here, that is boring. But I want my readers to think about this: This award was first given in 1936, and had a frequency of 4 years since then. In terms of modern science, this is a pretty long period, especially for mathematics. All that time, all the awards went to men, and women watched from the sidelines. But Maryam here, she was so bad that men had to actually take a step back and appreciate her work this time. In 2014, there were 3 other mathematicians along with Maryam who were awarded the medal, and all of them were men, again. Her success was congratulated by the President of Iran, Han Rouhani himself.
That it would be an Iranian woman to win the award for the first time is even more surprising. Western propaganda makes Iran look like state of religion, and Iranian women look like ninjas that have no rights whatsoever. I have been to Iran and I can say that they are all lies. Sure, you may not see pictures of Iranian women like you do with some other countries women, but they indeed have rights, and they are truly beautiful. Mirzakhani spitted on the faces of all these lies and bull propaganda, and showed them the smarts and beauty of Iranian women and Eastern women.
Truly, she was a hero. She received the greatest honor in her field, and represented her homeland in the best way possible, and she demolished all kinds of taboos in the process. She was also a mother of 1, a daughter named Anahita (the name of an Iranian Goddess, showing her love for her country and culture).
According to the teachings of Islam, science is one of the biggest ways into the heavens. May your scientific endeavors pave your way into the greatest of heavens, and may God wash away your sins and grant you mercy. Rest in peace, hero.
As some of you may know, Maryam Mirzakhani, mathematical genius and professor of mathematics in Standford University, has ped away yesterday. She was 40 years old, and was fighting breast cancer for some time now.
Mirzakhani was already famous in the field of mathematics, her works were being cited by scholars from all around the world. She cemented her fame in mathematics when she was found worthy of the Fields Medal in 2014, an award that is given every 4 years and has an age restriction. This award is considered the greatest honor a mathematician can have. What is special about Mirzakhani was that she was the first woman to get the Fields Medal.
I am not going to write down her biography here, that is boring. But I want my readers to think about this: This award was first given in 1936, and had a frequency of 4 years since then. In terms of modern science, this is a pretty long period, especially for mathematics. All that time, all the awards went to men, and women watched from the sidelines. But Maryam here, she was so bad that men had to actually take a step back and appreciate her work this time. In 2014, there were 3 other mathematicians along with Maryam who were awarded the medal, and all of them were men, again. Her success was congratulated by the President of Iran, Han Rouhani himself.
That it would be an Iranian woman to win the award for the first time is even more surprising. Western propaganda makes Iran look like state of religion, and Iranian women look like ninjas that have no rights whatsoever. I have been to Iran and I can say that they are all lies. Sure, you may not see pictures of Iranian women like you do with some other countries women, but they indeed have rights, and they are truly beautiful. Mirzakhani spitted on the faces of all these lies and bull propaganda, and showed them the smarts and beauty of Iranian women and Eastern women.
Truly, she was a hero. She received the greatest honor in her field, and represented her homeland in the best way possible, and she demolished all kinds of taboos in the process. She was also a mother of 1, a daughter named Anahita (the name of an Iranian Goddess, showing her love for her country and culture).

According to the teachings of Islam, science is one of the biggest ways into the heavens. May your scientific endeavors pave your way into the greatest of heavens, and may God wash away your sins and grant you mercy. Rest in peace, hero.
Sultan Haydar BasNaderImm0rtalInarius RebornTrue FighterDarken Rahlno0bsailbotAvicennaAvicennaAvicennakhoramAce EconomistDiakoDiakoDiakoDiakoAlir3zaAlir3zaAlir3zaAlir3zaAlir3zaAlir3zadaniyegdaniyegG 4 M p3trOs V E RBustertinyUltramagicUltramagicGeneral90ArtaArtaArtaArtaArtaeCarterKing ElessarKing ElessarKing ElessarThomas KeesAlinoursadeghimasdoodlord sajjadLackoaNemethmontiggoJoker Evilrad88rad88rad88rad88Jyuzo OkitaComentários (60)

I had a mathematics professor who was a male supremacist. He always talked about how *mathematics isnt for girls*. When he was spreading this bullshit, someone in class mentioned her name, and shut him up real good. Thank you Maryam for spitting in the faces of such people, I will never forget you. My condolences to Iranian people, and all the world of science.

RIP Maryam


Rest In Peace

It s true, I ve never seen a turnip wear a cape before. Nabo o7

RIP Maryam ...

she was a my hero

RIP Maryam 

Good bay maryam

RIP Maryam 

she was my hero 



Rest In Peace hero 

🔺o7 R.I.P🔻

RIP hero of Iran ..


@ only it?

Rest in peace lady, way too young to go!

RIP maryam😔

RIP :/

I don t think she was religious, so you could have avoided that kind of ending.

QUOTE: According to the teachings of Islam, science is one of the biggest ways into the heavens. --------- So why holy islamic books tell us that Earth is flat, Sun revolves around the Earth and, my favourite, that sperm is stored between backbone and ribs (according to Quran) and in the backbone (according to Sunnah) ? Could it be that God didn t know his own creation or perhaps Muhammad was another false prophet?

zerstorer , tell your lies somewhere else pls ...

Useful article! Thanks! RIP Maryam:/

@Capo I believe she was religious to at least some point. I am not religious either, and I think that ending is fitting. It is just good wishes.

@Zerstorer Nowhere in the Quran has it been said that the sun revolves around the Earth or at least I did not see it. Please tell me if you can have a verse that has said this. And it has never been said in the Qur an that the earth is not non-spherical, but to the smooth parts of the earth (such as the plains) (although the Qur an has also referred to rugged places), and I do not see any problem that a part of the surface of a sphere is smooth. About the third case I have to say that there has been a translation mistake. In the verse you are told, men s sperm is stored between الصُّلْبِ and التَّرَائِبِ The first word, the spine, and the second word, mistaken here, mean two things that are equal to the two femurs, and we all know that the sperm is stored between the spine and the two femurs. In any case, everyone is free to choose their religion, but cannot choose the others and their beliefs

Nice article 

Holy islamic books =/= Quran only, I don t remember the haddith and I m not gonna search for it now, you can do this via google. And if you are a Quran-only muslim and you don t respect Sunnah, then you violate what Quran says: and and I m sure you still recite Shahada and pray 5 times a day which was ordered in Sunnah, not in Quran. But let s say that I m wrong and you should ignore Sahih Al-Bukhari 6557 ( ) and focus only on Quran regarding sperm: ------- So let man observe from what he was created. He was created from a fluid, ejected, Emerging from between the backbone and the ribs. ------- That s what Quran says about sperm. Muhammad was very bad at guessing and apparently didn t expect that sooner or later people are gonna learn the details on human s anatomy. There s much more bs in haddith, I m really enjoying studying it, gives me very good laugh at times.

Quran 71:19 And Allah has made the earth for you as a carpet (spread out). ------
Quran 78:6 Have We not made the earth as a wide expanse, What does it mean ? -------
Quran 15:19 And the earth We have spread out (like a carpet); set thereon mountains firm and immovable; and produced therein all kinds of things in due balance. ------- AT THE SAME TIME Isaiah 40:22 - He sits enthroned above the CIRCLE (!) of the earth, and its people are like grasshoppers. He stretches out the heavens like a canopy, and spreads them out like a tent to live in.

I said I wouldn t search for that and I m not gonna look after haddith, too many of them, but here s Tafsir telling you that Earth is flat and that astronomers are wrong -------- ----- and please don t forget that interpreting Quran on your own is a GRAVE SIN, only Tafsir can be used to interpret Quran. So please don t discredit Tafsir and accept the Earth as a flat carpet.

Erev ofc has to ruin all formatting, the link above won t work, here s the screenshot for you: . Also

Interesting article. Maryam posted by hassan rohani

Zerstorer there is only 1 Holy Islamic book and that is Quran. Interpreting Quran on your own is not a grave sin, all muslims are *obligated to* read Quran and understand it for themselves. You must be reading the ISIS version or the translations of an ISIS scholar or something.

my sperm is mostly located on the keyboard

ingiliççem yok ama vote

@Zerstorer First of all, I told you about the sperm that the translation mistake occurred, and the word التَّرَائِبِ was wrongly denoted by the ribs, but the main meaning of the two things is equal, which means two femurs. And as to what you said that although the prayer was not read in the Qur an, you need to know that for Muslims you only have to say two things, with all your heart and with your complete satisfaction: I testify that God is only one, I testify that Muhammad is the Prophet God, and the Prophet has said that Muslims should pray five times a day at different times (although the benefits have been discovered in the last several years that you can investigate the benefits of prayer), and if you don t follow this statement , because you believe Mohammad is a messenger from Allah and he only sends his words to the people, You have rejected the verses and because you disobeyed God then you believe that there is no god who punishes you or other gods who prevent you from being punished And this is the opposite with the principle of the first and most important principle of Islam, which says that God There is only one, so you are not Muslims (and this applies to all sentences) . it s sample isn t it ? anyway , everyone is free to choose their religion And I can t impose anything on others because my beliefs don t allow that
(I was about to forget , I am not a Sunni. I am Shia)

@Zerstorer Saudi Arabia was the first country to forget Islam .they put their names Muslims but they aren t(but this is not about all of their people, perhaps the best Muslims in Arabic)

@Zerostorer You know that all this is a translation error, and it s easy to translate them correctly and see that none of them has problems, so why are you trying to make Islam a bad and flawed one? The face that most of the world has seen from Islam is that of the enemies of Muslims. but even proud Iranian, Maryam Mirzakhani, have shown that this is not the case, and the reality of Islam and the purpose of Islam is another.

RIP o7 Hail science o7

FYNh you clearly know very little about your religion (like most muslims, which is why they remain ignorant) --- ------ interpretation of Quran is only done with Tafsir, nothing else. Those who do that on their own are to be condemned to Hell. Reductio ad aburdum you later have gay imams claiming it s okay to be muslim and gay, because that s how they interpret things. @danlyeg - no, it s not a mistake in translation, it s an official, confirmed English version of Quran and whenever muslim scholars attempt to defend it, they never even talk about wrong translation, they just pretend it s some poetic language etc., typical bs. I like also how you ignored the flat Earth and the fact how Tafsir confirmed that Earth is flat and astronomers were wrong. Remember that allegedly God influenced those imams to complete their tafsirs, so they weren t just some dumb people who were wrong. ----- You also just in a way recited Shahada to me, which comes from Sunnah, which is one of the reasons why rejecting Sunnah doesn t make any sense, as Quran clearly acknowledges Sunnah and orders muslims to follow it (and Shia do it but to a lesser degree), I added verses above with their links what Quran says about it. And no, I m not using any ISIS version or anything (as it doesnt exist). I studied the same version which is used on (which is official and approved). I also studied Sahih Muslim, al-Bukhari and now I m studying Sunan Abu Dawood, all in book versions. Assuming that you are being honest, I still believe that you at most read Quran and when you were doing it you weren t really paying attention to what you were reading (which is why I make a distinction between reading, like a book, and STUDYING). I can t blame you, reading Quran can be a torture.

Speaking of bad translation: Muhammad in his time read in the sc.riptures how Abraham was saved from Ur. Ur was a name of a city, but he thought that the word ur meant fire (I don t remember which language that was). This is how he made up a story where: 1. Abraham is caught in a fire and has to flee 2. Allah sends all animals to rescue him. 3. A gecko instead of saving Abraham blows on fire to increase it. 4. Allah curses geckos and now they are a cursed animal in islam and it s a good deed to kill them. Muhammad was always killing geckos. (I know it is and sounds ridiculous but it s a fact you may not know) --- Now again I didn t take notes when I read about it in al-Bukhari and also quite recently in Sunan Abu Dawood, but I m sure you can google it. BTW you said ----proud Iranian, Maryam Mirzakhani---- I always thought that proud Iranians/Persians are zoroastrians and not muslims following the religion which was imposed on them and accepted only in order not to suffer repercussions from Arab invaders.

Zerstorer I am not a muslim. I just live in a muslim country.


@Zerstorer spread your BS elsewhere. (@moderators clean this lies please )

@toofan95 unlike you I always quoted Quran and Sunnah, those are not lies, those are verses from holy ures of islam. I do realize though that a lot of muslims don t know about it, because like I said - majority of them don t study their holy ures. It s also hard to accept the truth and admit that your entire life you were following and acknowledging this kind of thing.

holy scr.iptures** EREV is censoring the scr.ipt word ------ Here s quote for geckos/house lizards, which is why so many muslims teach their children to kill them and they tell them to do it with one blow, because there is bigger reward for that: ------ and ----- So if these are lies does it mean that Muhammad lied? @FYNh I can feel your pain, I guess. I m not Iranian, but I met a number of Iranian expats and only one of them was still practicing islam. Back then I didn t study this religion so I didn t talk too much about it with them. I tend to believe that a lot of Iranians in Iran remain muslim just because of the regime (which is probably the case with other countries as well). That is also the reason why Iranians like to say that their islam isn t like that of Saudis (which in fact is the original islam, starting with Muhammad and his raids on Mekkah), and they also reject Sunnah (which like I said is illlogical if you acknowledge Quran, and I backed it with Quran 4:65 and 33:21). They do that because they can bear all those issues with Quran, but Sunnah turns out to be unbearable with all the bizarre stuff.

I m atheist and saying: FLAT EARTH IS AMAZING! (OH DAMN! I m drowning at the edge of the world...)

@Zerstorer ok if admins are ok with this i can explain you here :about your lie ( or misunderstanding ) about why holy islamic books tell us that Earth is flat @daniyeg answered you well. and if about 14 centuries ago Allah directly says that the earth is round, then the people at that time wouldn t believe it, because they have not could see the earth from space, in contrast with today where the science has evolving. but in many terms holy Quran mentioned The Earth Being Spherical ( read more here : )

Yes, lets discuss religion in a completely unrelated article, cause that makes us look smart...right?...right?

I just gave you above Tafsir which says that Quran says that Earth is flat. And as we both know only Tafsir can be used to interpret Quran, interpreting Quran on your own is a sin. BTW you said ---- 14 centuries ago Allah directly says that the earth is round, then the people at that time wouldn t believe it,---- So tell me please why Isaiah said that Earth is round in Isaiah 40:22 and he did that about 1400 years earlier namely 732 BCE? Why did Job say that God suspends Earth over nothing 1473BCE, which is nearly 3500 years ago? Were they not afraid that people won t believe them? Let s not forget again Quran saying that sperm is stored in between ribs and backbone.

Those who investigate Islamic sc.riptures THOROUGHLY leave it without any hesitation, but those who convert to it with only superficial study of the Quran and some good hadiths offered by muslim sources stay being a muslim until some other sources open their eyes like it was with Ismaa eel Abu Adam who left Islam and now is exposing it. I love those three instances of flat Earth and sperm in backbone (in Quran), as well as Sun revolving around the Earth (Sunnah) because this is a good start in exposing islam. I know it may be harsh to muslims who (often without studying or even reading their books) followed this cult their entire life. I started studying islam some years ago because I realized that it s probably the topic which is most often talked about by people who have no idea about it. Like people who know nothing about biology don t talk about biology, but people who never studied Quran, let alone Sunnah, like to talk a lot about islam. They were coached by their imams etc. to refute everyone who dares to state facts, quoting directly form Quran, and not out of context, not using any tricks.

So when I see someone saying ----- According to the teachings of Islam, science is one of the biggest ways into the heavens. ----- I just can t resist considering how unscientifical Quran and Sunnah are. BTW these three instances (flat Earth, Sun revolving around Earth and sperm in backbone) isn t all and it s not even the worst. Although whenever you quote it, muslims get mad and call you a liar even if you use quotes. There s much more bizarre and weird stuff in islamic scr.iptures. Let s take another one I really like: Jami at-Tirmidhi, Number 12: Aishah said: “Whoever narrated to you that the Prophet would urinate while standing; then don t believe him. He would not urinate except while squatting.” ------- Sunan an-Nasai, Number 29: It was narrated that Aishah said: “Whoever tells you that the Messenger of Allah urinated standing up, do not believe him, for he would not urinate except while squatting.” ----- So, Muhammad peed squatting, like a girl, and, because Surah 33, verse 21 of the Quran calls Muhammad the pattern of conduct for muslims, muslims from the time of Muhammad down to the present day should be peeing while squatting/sitting. As we read in the follow-up commentary on Jami at-Tirmidhi, Number 12: Umar said: “I have not urinated while standing since I accepted Islam.” ----- Therefore, part of submitting to Allah is peeing like a girl. Do shia in Iran do that as well? Before you accuse me of lying google it or visit muslims sources: You really don t want me to go further this path. I m warning you, it gets even more bizarre (and I understand that maybe 5% of muslims are exposed to it, especially in Iran).

@Zerostorer First, I apologize to you for not knowing English and that you might be offended . secondly I think I told you what the point is, and you re still talking Your last words . I don t know what to say to you because what I say you didn t even try to reject it, then I have no more words but because I don t like to die with wish And I wish to talk like you , Tell your religion (If you don t believe in God, say it )

May she rest in peace, i didnt know about her, bu now, as i could read indeed she was a a great person, a hero. o7