Publicado em Serbia - Análise e debates políticos - 27 Jul 2017 07:15 - 34
As most of you know by now, the mighty Greek and Serbian empires have decided to listen to the voices of the people, shouting day and night the by now well known slogans #WipeAlbania and #MakeBalkansGreatAgain. As we all know, Albania is a weak and unimportant "country", and after we are done with them, the next logical step would be conquering their brothers and loyal servants, the Skopjans from Former Yugoslav Republic of Vardarska...
The issue arises when the talks about what to do with the lation were started. We decided to keep albanians as slaves, because they are good and loyal slaves that love to be ruled over, so they can work in our mines and fields for free. But we found no use for the Vardarskians once we return the lands where they live to their rightfull owners (north to Serbia and South to Greece)... So we are putting them for adoptions, who would like to accept these adorable skopjans to their loving home?
Share if you have a soul...
#WipeAlbania #MakeBalkansGreatAgain
The issue arises when the talks about what to do with the lation were started. We decided to keep albanians as slaves, because they are good and loyal slaves that love to be ruled over, so they can work in our mines and fields for free. But we found no use for the Vardarskians once we return the lands where they live to their rightfull owners (north to Serbia and South to Greece)... So we are putting them for adoptions, who would like to accept these adorable skopjans to their loving home?

Share if you have a soul...
#WipeAlbania #MakeBalkansGreatAgain
G 4 M p3trOs V E RTopSecretPeakyKame SenninComentários (34)

??? I believe that you consider this article as a funny one... No need to argue about the taste.

if someone decide to adopt them must be careful cos they could take his home and his culture and claim its their own 

Ztem, gib me a sitter. Make Serbia great again.

what germany`s b*tch and russia`s b*tch want to split the closest ally on the balkans of the best godamn united motherfucking states in the world ???

If I was you I would calm myself and prepare for some hard labor xD

Essenin calmate you little mommy boy

albania is fck you very hard thats the truth
so next nemesis fail is coming

You got bad taste of humor
No really! There are many ways you could do that better and more intelegent. This is very cheap. Slaves and RL politics. But i guess its good for first try 

Finally great article

selling damage vs DS q5, 33kk/13 gold.buying q5 food

Poor ideas

Hey, if you are too poor to adopt them it doesn t mean that some other countries wont open their hearts and homes for them.

VMRO ians wants to share your feels but cant lol

Sakate Beogradski pashaluk povtorno ? Lol

We will find you a warm home pupper 

I can take care 1 of them 

Lol v

Ne seri...

Distasteful and unproductive. Serbia should consider itself above this menial pandering to nationalist tensions.

I advise sticking to teletubbies, this might be too edgy for some people...

That kind of mind is too poor.

Gol da ti setam po doma xDD

I m from neither of the countries,but i think you deserve a ban for offending them

admins here suck, they remove anti-serbian propaganda but allow anti albanian propaganda, be fair or the game will die

Исто како мајка ти шо ми е роб 

We should put trigger warnings for some special snowflakes here xD

Internet nationalists on Fire
#Letsmakebalkansgreatagain #kosovojesrbija

Balkans in a nutshell 😎

don t stop you are good in this...
Yeahh you su*k Great guess you learn it from your mo*her and Si*ter!

¿Qué pasó, gringo?

@Who you are, fyrom you are !dab

#BombSerbia #MakeBalkansGreatAgain

Usa owns all balkan ¡¡¡¡¡
Hail USA