Publicado em Ireland - Análise e debates políticos - 23 Aug 2017 06:01 - 16
Some time ago I was forced to write this article ...
And here I am again...

"One of the functions of Government is security of the State.
The Government of Ireland always takes this duty seriously, we are always looking for threats (external and internal) and trying to mitigate these by various means...
For external threats we try diplomacy first, persuasion etc...and if all fails defend with force. We maintain good relations with our allies fighting for them when needed. The Irish flag is seen in many allies battles Country Statistics. A small nation giving its all to help our friends.
However for internal threats we depend on the Game Administrators doing their job when called upon.
So recently I have sent Admin a ticket about Multis who are attempting a PTO on Ireland again.
You are probably not surprised to know I never got a reply or even an acknowledgment of the ticket.
So then I sent a Message to the Admin account...hey presto I got a reply saying they will look into it. That was so long ago the message and a subsequent one looking for news has gone and yet nothing!!!
The substance of the message was this...
I listed a number of suspicious accounts of which I'll detail some here...
Now as I said when accounts are sequential this is 1.1 for Admin red flags for why the delay.
Now these accounts are attempting to PTO our main political Party to clearly block the rest of us picking a CP candidate that we would like.
I am asking Admin to do their job and sort this in a timely manner please.
Winston Hope Smith
CP of Ireland
And here I am again...

"One of the functions of Government is security of the State.
The Government of Ireland always takes this duty seriously, we are always looking for threats (external and internal) and trying to mitigate these by various means...
For external threats we try diplomacy first, persuasion etc...and if all fails defend with force. We maintain good relations with our allies fighting for them when needed. The Irish flag is seen in many allies battles Country Statistics. A small nation giving its all to help our friends.
However for internal threats we depend on the Game Administrators doing their job when called upon.
So recently I have sent Admin a ticket about Multis who are attempting a PTO on Ireland again.
You are probably not surprised to know I never got a reply or even an acknowledgment of the ticket.
So then I sent a Message to the Admin account...hey presto I got a reply saying they will look into it. That was so long ago the message and a subsequent one looking for news has gone and yet nothing!!!
The substance of the message was this...
Hi Admin
WHS CP of Ireland here
Recently we Narrowly escaped a PTO attack with a new unknown player somehow getting the same number of votes as I and I won on exp points.
Now don't read this as if I am upset at a close election...I welcome change and if active player takes CP he/she would have full support.
However this is different the player is unknown and not active. The only thing we have ever seen of him is one single post on election day asking for votes.
So we wondered where his votes came from and using erevtools we notices some players active on election day that are zombies before and since
Note:- A number of these accounts are created one after the other which should be a red flag.
Could you please do a multi check on them.
I listed a number of suspicious accounts of which I'll detail some here...
Now as I said when accounts are sequential this is 1.1 for Admin red flags for why the delay.
Now these accounts are attempting to PTO our main political Party to clearly block the rest of us picking a CP candidate that we would like.
I am asking Admin to do their job and sort this in a timely manner please.

Winston Hope Smith
CP of Ireland
KiminuxOrignalQcUnknown3TadaConnenNeuteTopSecretxRONxChileOrgBeto SongComentários (16)

Please vote up so it gets seen

you should wrote this last night

V for ireland

Sadly, but you right... V


anyone with conection of any multy accounts should be insta-perma-BANed , but admins are not doing their job over a year now, at least not as they should.


Shame on admins.

Still nothing from Admin...have they given up on this game?

Better steal the eDom loggin page

40/101 Yeah man, multies abound here

Oh... Admins... Happens...

I like the admins. They let me buy GOLD for paypal money. And energy drinks!
Hail p2w games!

Admins are busy to other projects, that can suck more...

Admins are busy taking away fully upgraded training grounds with no compensation!