Publicado em Turkey - Entreterimento e interações sociais - 10 Oct 2017 03:12 - 15

Dear citizens of e-World
We are yet coming up with another project, in order to create a stronger Canada.
I ll directly p into the subject:
Be a Canada citizen and work twice in our company and get daily golds.
If u are;
15k str+ U will get 10 golds everyday
12k str+ U will get 8 golds everyday
8k str+ U will get 6.5 golds everyday
Our only request from you is joining Canada National Military Unit, which almost every citizen of Canada are part of.
Besides, anyone bringing a friend with himself will get 0.5 gold extra daily.
To informate you about Canada, our country is a country formed by mostly Turkish, Serbian and Georgian citizens, and lead by common decision of every citizen s ideas and opinions.
We are a member of ACE alliance, and have 100% house bonus.
We want to see you with us in order to create a stronger Canada.
For now, we are recruiting only 30 citizens. If we decide to do otherwise, we will inform you about it in the future.
For details PM me on game..
Wish you all a nice game,
Hail Canada

Sevgili eDunya Vatandaslari...
Daha güçlü bir kanada yaratmak adina basladigimiz bu yolda yeni bir proje ile daha karsinizdayiz.
Hemen konuya geciyorum.
Kanada vatandasligina gecip sirketimizde calisirsaniz gunluk maaşlariniz
15k str uzeriyseniz Gunluk 10 gold..
12k str uzeriyseniz Gunluk 8 gold..
8k str uzeriyseniz Gunluk 6.5 gold..
Sizlerden tek talebimiz ulkemizin tamamina yakin vatandasini bunyesinde barindiran Canada National Military Unit bunyesine dahil olmanizdir.
Bunun disinda yaninda arkadasini getiren her uyemiz gunluk 0.5 gold ekstra alacaktir.
Kanada hakkinda kisa bir bilgi vermek gerekirse, ulkemiz Turk Sirp ve Gurcu vatandaslarinin cogunlugunu olusturdugu herkesin fikir ve gorusleriyle alinan ortak kararlar neticesinde yonetilen bir ulkedir.
Ulkemiz ACE ittifakinda yer almakla birlikte simdilik %100 ev bonusuna sahiptir.
Daha guclu bir Kanada yaratmak uzere sizleri de aramizda gormek istiyoruz.
Simdilik katilimimiz 30 yeni uye ile sinirlidir. Ileride ki gunlerde yeniden kontenjan acildiginda bilgilendirme yapilacaktir.
Detaylar için bana oyundan mesaj atabilirsiniz..
Herkese iyi oyunlar dileriz..
Hail Kanada.

no0bsailbotComentários (15)

pirinç mi?

Ben bi çıkış giriş yapsam olur mu ?



Come to Canada 🍁🍁🍁

Canada is the new Turkey

canada is not new torkey

voted my friend good luck
i will one day join you

When ever u want my friend o7


Canada Sucks, when does Kinyas get there Atropatess you wannabe Noob 

canada sucks indeed dishonarable ppl traitors in a every way most of them

@dreth dishonorable how? This is a war game right?