Publicado em Turkey - Análise e debates políticos - 09 Feb 2018 03:59 - 47
This term we brought some new blood to the alliance administration, while also keeping our experienced uniforms.
Also worth noting is that we have more numbers this month for maximum efficiency and coordination.
Unless we get busy wiping each other for fun, this month is definitely going to be interesting in The New Order, both for our allies and not-so-much allies.
New Order, New HQ. New Approaches, New Victories o7

Kesut MomiserKesut MomiserDarken RahlAtropatesSDarken RahlDarken RahlDarken RahlBulletz4BreakfastBulletz4BreakfastBulletz4BreakfastBulletz4BreakfastAlir3zaAlir3zaAlir3zano0bsailbotCaptain Harlocklord sajjadFudalamSilenceMurattikamilReturn of KiNG13urningprogabeszPajszeresNiLooooluanstosCacique PariaguanEl Tito StynkerBlackfuryALI13ALI13ALI13Ace EconomistBunnyLiuBattal GaziBattal GaziBattal GaziBattal GaziPony of DarknessComentários (47)



Adimi cikaricak i*ne
)) Yazacagin makaleye sokayim o7

@_@ o7


Poor copy of my article. Also, no Comic Sans. 

Who is Epsi?

Who is bikkin?

@Atropatess Adin cikti bile malesef ...

Good luck

@Demiurge I didnt even see your article. You hosted it on a website that is banned here and I dont care enough to get a VPN just to view it
By the way it will take a lot more trolling for you to keep up with me, ask your friends in Nemesis.

Yine ne hayınlık peşindesin 


Hakonarson is not gay 😘😘😘😘


კოპი პეისთი

Vote hahahahahaha

Anlamadım AMK ama olsun o7

buletbrekfest umislio da je neko mudo





fuck you b4b

@Mitch Buchannon every LGBTs are not gay!

Im Gay @Batasha 

piss off, ruining an already shit game

Buletbrekfet umislio da je neko mudo x2

Kenchi, I m pretty sure your people would do the same if they could just do it.

Voted for the meme picture, I liked It heh