Publicado em Bosnia and Herzegovina - Primeiros passos no eRevollution - 14 Feb 2018 13:54 - 25

Well I decide to take BH, 3 days im looking for inactive battles...and I found ONE!....

ONE hit is all what I need for BH...i was so happy, i go to celebrate...Find glas vine, popcorn..tell my neightbords about my future medal,..when I got back to PC...I Saw This...

And I was....

homersimpsonVanessa KuriMVJSdroganShooT1Pony of DarknessBunnyLiuSiPaHiAncestralMomokaYasharYasharbaubaudjurdjoHellBoyCryskillComentários (25)


Trazi odstetu od viteza..nema smisla 😁

Little joke, congraz to Serbia..Nice 

hahahahahahahah iz 2u1

HAHAA sorry bro
i need to give you 5g 

I had same situations while being in Georgia 🤣🤣

Next time try with 2 hits least half


Just don t stop shooting till it s Dead Dead Dead

Don t worry Cy, our time will come 

That is why I never try to get BHs, too lazy for that xD

Misty, once, I promise you.... All eRev world will afraid us... 


A dje obraz Srbi? 


Hi bro. You are the best but you should know that if you want BH you should have alot of dmg and hits. With 1 hit you can t BH

I know I learn that yesterday. Next time I go with 2 hits and Q3 TANKS!¨Yeah.

feel sad to read this

Ha ha

Sramota Viteze!


hey bro. You can t BH with 2,3,4,5,6,...hit. I think just more than 50or100 hit with more dmg. Your power is very lower than many accountm you should make more power.
have good days