Publicado em Bulgaria - Entreterimento e interações sociais - 20 Apr 2018 08:01 - 19

фонова музика в края на статията ---
На днешния ден - 20 април, през 1876 година по стар стил (2 май по нов стил)
преждевременно избухва Априлското въстание в Панагюрище, Копривщица, Клисура и Стрелча. Организаторите целят въставане на цяла България срещу османското робство, продължаващо пет века.
Замисълът на Априлското въстание е осуетен от започналите арести. Неджиб ага пристига в Копривщица от Пловдив на 19 април начело на конна полицейска група, за да започне арестите на ръководителите на местния революционен комитет. Тодор Каблешков заедно със своите съратници напада конака, където се е установила турската част, надявайки се по този начин да попречи на полицейската акция. Вследствие на завързалата се престрелка една част от турските заптиета начело с Неджиб ага успяват да се спасят и да избягат, но друга част са убити.
Каблешков изпраща веднага след нападението бързо писмо до Панагюрище, където са разположени ръководителите на IV революционен окръг. С писмото, което изпраща и на други места, той призовава всички българи към повсеместен бунт. "Кървавото писмо" става символ на Априлското въстание. Това писмо става известно като „Кървавото писмо“ поради факта, че е подписано символично с кръвта на едно от убитите заптиета.
Георги Бенковски обявява въстанието в Панагюрище веднага след получаването на писмото. Главен орган на въстанието става новосъздаден Военен съвет - IV революционен окръг. На него се възлагат освен ръководството на военните действия, също така и създаването и утвърждаването на новата гражданска власт в града. По това време Бенковски изпраща една чета начело със стотника Иван Парпулов – Орчо войвода, имаща за цел да осъществи връзка между Копривщица и Панагюрище и да подпомогне въстаниците в Стрелча.
Панайот Волов и Икономов заминават към североизточните райони на окръга веднага след обявянето на въстанието. Георги Бенковски, който междувременно организира своя конна дружина, т. нар. Хвъркова чета, се насочва към средногорските села Петрич, Поибрене, Мечка, Мухово и увлича местното население във въстанието.
На 20 май, при неизяснени обстоятелства, даващи възможност за различни хипотези, Христо Ботев пада убит. След смъртта на войводата си, четата се разпада на групи, една по една унищожени.
По същото време с Ботевата чета, през Дунав минава и от четата на Таньо Стоянов, която след героичен поход е унищожена.
С разгрома на двете чети клането в Батак, Априлското въстание фактически завършва. То е предизвикателство към Високата порта и е потушено с целенасочена жестокост и то дори извън въстаналите райони. Близо 80 селища са изгорени, убити са около 30 хиляди жени, деца, мъже.

Theme music at the end ----->
The Batak macre was a macre of Bulgarians in Batak by Ottoman irregular troops in 1876 at the beginning of the April Uprising. The number of victims ranges from 1,200 to 7,000, depending on the source.

The orthodox church "Sveta Nedelya" was the last keep of the rebels. Bashi-bazouk destroyed the school, where 200 people were burnt alive, hidden in the basement.
Then they went straight to the church, where they dug holes into the fence of the yard and started to shoot at everyone there. The most terrifying chapter of the macre happened on the night of 2 May 1876 in that very yard.
On the morning of 3 May the Pomaks took the yard and advanced to the door of the church, but weren’t able to get in – the door was barred by the people inside. The defense of the church held for three days, the Turkish were shooting ceaselessly at the villagers to make them surrender. Some tried to enter the church from the roof, but were unsuccessful, although they were able to shoot some of the people inside.
There was no water in the church, so the barricaded had to resort to the oil of the lamps and the blood of their own dead. They tried to dig into the floor with bare hands in order to find underground water. On the third day the survivors decided to go outside, when they realized their fate was decided.
When they opened the doors of the church Ahmet Aga was waiting for them with his Bashi-bozouk. A ruthless beheading followed and only those who accepted to be converted to Islam were spared. The plans of the Ottoman leader were to late the village with the converted villagers, but it turned out that there were not enough of them.
Before the Bashi-bozouk left the village, they burnt the church, but the stone walls were preserved and only the wooden furniture and the icons were destroyed. When some Russian commissions were to go and inspect the village, 3 months later, the Ottoman authorities tried to bury the bodies, but they could not hide the smell in the air. They also painted the walls of the church, but the blood stains showed up in time.
After the macre in the church, Ahmet Aga summoned all the surviving villagers outside, saying that it would be in order to make a list of the slain and the widows.
The better part of the survivors gathered, since those who did not obey would be killed. They were divided in two groups of women and men; then the Ottoman commander made the women stand back and slew all the remaining 300 men. Those women who protested were also raped and killed. On the same day there were another 300 people murdered on the wooden bridge beside the school, first their arms were cut off, then their ears, noses, shoulders, and only after that they were finished.
baubauComentários (19)


Cruel years

Thats why Ottoman is Empire 😂😂

Thats why ottoman is not existing anymore

This claim was debunked in a scientific convention on 17th of May 2007 by Ulf Brunbauer and Martina Baleva, who is of Bulgarian origin. Bashibozouk troops were VERY valuable for Ottoman Empire because their purpose was to demoralize disciplined enemy armies; villagers/militias were simply not strategical targets for bashibozouks. This is like shooting a fly with a bazooka, Ottoman Empire had much more important wars back then and they would never waste bashibozouks on something like this when there were other matters at hand. This is all I m saying.

Which claim was debunked exactly?

Current real life politicians in Bulgaria (and not only) are trying to manipulate our history and make us forget all the pain and terror Bulgarians have suffered from the ottomans. 500 years of slavery are being wiped out, schools, teachers and many other people who s job is to educate children are brainwashing them... Stop posting fake or false facts.

I would like to invite you in Batak (Bulgaria) To see with your own eyes the blood on the walls and the bones in the well near the church.

Blood on the walls and the bones near the wells means someone killed those people, but doesnt prove it was the Turks.

Can you prove that it wasnt the Turks?

Innocent until proven guilty. It is your duty to prove it, not ours.

Our memories are being passed from generation to generation, and I dont think that our grandfathers and grandmothers have a reason to lie about such things...!

We dont need to prove what is already proven.

Here are some American and British witnesses

the blind leading the blind


Hahah, when a person doesnt have anything smart to say he starts talking sh*t, nothing new. Enjoy living in your fantasy world.