Publicado em Denmark - Análise e debates políticos - 24 May 2018 03:43 - 31
Hello brave men of North and eWorld.
Peace terms are listed below.
1. Romania will make peace with Denmark.
2. Denmark will rent Svealand to Romania for 9k q5 helis/month for a 4 month period.
3. If Romania loses control of Svealand via rw, Denmark will take the region and return it to Romania asap.
4. Romania will sign a NAP with all 18+ members.
5. After 4 months period ends, both sides will start another negotiation about rent. If both sides cannot agree on a deal, Svealand will be returned to Denmark and Romania cannot have a claim on that region.
Hope peace will be last.
Peace terms are listed below.
1. Romania will make peace with Denmark.
2. Denmark will rent Svealand to Romania for 9k q5 helis/month for a 4 month period.
3. If Romania loses control of Svealand via rw, Denmark will take the region and return it to Romania asap.
4. Romania will sign a NAP with all 18+ members.
5. After 4 months period ends, both sides will start another negotiation about rent. If both sides cannot agree on a deal, Svealand will be returned to Denmark and Romania cannot have a claim on that region.
Hope peace will be last.
GazijaFK_Lokomotiva_BiHchicagolupanpaSt0L3nSt0L3nSt0L3nhomersimpsonComentários (31)



Signed as HQ of 18+ o7

romania signed NAP and poland and albania are about to get deleted lol?

dobri ste bili

haha it s so funny 

funny really, why take regions and hold them when you can pay rent for those regions 9k helis per month, well sides are switching but in few weeks it will be exactly the same just this time few other countries got screwed , but there will be nothing even remotely close to balance in the game and same cunts on top of the wheel will remain there, pathetic

Svealand was Georgian region and we give Romania for pleasure. and now as i see they lost it and now that region isn t anymore of Georgia

Svealand was, is and always be Nordic. Svealand is Denmark.

there s nothing nordic in dennmark except maybe for your MU name, so svealand isnt dennmark, svealand is swedish region, just sweden norway and finnland are v weak countries and those regions getting conquered by 1 country or another, i honestly dont understand how can a country rent a region from another country which isnt even theirs and as for georgia s nap breaking and taking some of those regions, the north remembers...

Svealand is Georgian region. We rented it to Romania for free, it s a very funny situation

North remembers. come and see whats nordic 

im talking about the real north, not wannabe north
and yeah nothing is forgotten

leave real world behind when you login to this game friend. this is an mmorpg game. if you can not seperate two worlds then you have a problem

true true, you are right about that and its not my place to judge your ingame actions/movements or inactions ,or my goverments decissions, lets not spamm the comments anymore with useless chat, o/


qqless o/

v c

Looking good, congratulations to both sides o7


Halalo Yeah!!

The countries that shuld have been screwed are the patetic ones that have been in our alliance with man power and dmg put in their attics and never touched.. countries like Brasil, France, Turky.. not the small ones that risk to get erased because of the idiocy and selfinesh of the leaders of those countries... but I guess thats what happens when you try to trust a Turk .. NEVER trust a TURK..

selfishness? idiocy? lol

like france that just lost Paris asmin? how is france not touched noob

4 month NAP 

Romania will sign a NAP with all 18+ members 

Asmin, wash your mouth you fool. Turkey fought against Serbia and wiped them for weeks. We are fighting Serbia Bosnia Denmark ever since. It is good to know that you dont represent a bit of Romania.

lol :o

not NAP, rent is 4 months long

Sometimos war is short