Publicado em Iran - Análise e debates políticos - 28 Jul 2018 22:51 - 21
As you can see, there are so many wars in the game and the excitement has returned to the game, indicating that UBG's alliance has become one of its most important goals for making the game more attractive.
Although the 18+ alliance managed to conquer Capital of Brazil (member of UBG alliance) for a short time, the UBG Alliance managed to conquer Capitals of Romania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, members of the 18+ alliance.Other alliances, such as the Avengers, have also been able to gain strength with the election of powerful countries with two other alliances, and in the future, there will be a clash between the three unions that will remove the game from the bipolar system.

Persian Part

AntiterrorisAntiterrorisAntiterrorisRebazartarezzizo2ping2ping2pingPoolPoolPoolI oneI oneI oneAvicennaAce EconomistziziYasharF O XahwazzDark BoySINCARAPony of Darknesskrytusno0bsailbotPattonlord sajjadArminaySt0L3nlord sajjadComentários (21)


very well

well done

voted from brazil

UBG and their puppets from avengers,everyone knows that Iran only attacks when it has the majority in the game 

@adeonks don t talk about puppets when your country and Serbia PTO China and attack us, when you PTO Moldova and secure yourself.

after Brazil, Iran and Turkey attacked Romania along with their puppets


07 IRI

great work...but main problem of the game is that there are always 2 alliances vs 1...boring

well then maybe +18plus should be better at diplomacy rather than try and poach Hungary.

چه شود از این به بعد بازی O7

بیایین در یک حرکت انتحاری یه اتحاد تک نفره بزنیم ما بیشتر به بقیه کمک میکنیم تا بقیه به ما


When avengers fight for you, sorry its not a real war between 2 alliances but a 2v1. Maybe one day in next 10 years Iran will find its balls to fight a war against a really equal or even stronger opponent than them, until then iran kitties you can keep farming o7

@DreSanu when it goes to farming noone can even stand close to Romania, you guys are far ahead with a huge handicap


@Tanky my little gurgian (your newly germans allies used to call you that) , even in last 7 days RO did more dmg than your country did in last 3 months In top 5 naval battles of eRev Romania participated in all 5 of them, in top 5 land battles Romania participated in nr 1, nr 2 and nr 5 .And still we are the biggest farmers hahaha. So be a good puppy and dont interfere in the adult discussions if you dont know shit

@DreSanu listen me son, maybe you can make 5 years old child to believe in your words but not me who is playing from the begining of the game....1) romania did more dmg in last 7 days then georgia for month--- really??? what a noob are involved in a war wth 10 countries of course you did more then us who are in a pieace 2)screenshots you showed here arenot telling anything at all, because they show result of recent wars, where you wasted stocks of 1-2 year saving
3) we were members of hall of fame several times ago but new records always replace old ones , cause of more strengh playes gain... so the fact you fought 2 days ago and became hall of fame member and telling that you are the best is shit, every one can get there if 10 counrties attack them, just they will waste stocks , like you did 4)only 2 player can make more dmg in one day from georgia then whole romania in last 7 days and that tells nothing at all because you are involved in a war , so no need to compare yourself to georgia p.s. if you are going to lie here at least be a better lier, your cynical words are nothing then a shit at all, find 5 years old guy and tell your fairy tails to him, maybe at least you will manage some one to believe in your words