Publicado em Serbia - Assuntos financeiros - 08 Feb 2019 04:41 - 15
Hello this is article with rewards from weekly event:
Level 1:
Level 2:
Level 3:
Level 4:
Level 7:
Level 8:
- 2x food (50q5)1x exp (30)1x weapon (50q5)1x tank (50q5)
Level 2:
- 1x country currency (100)1x exp (50)1x tank (50q5)1x submarine (50q5)1x food (50q5)
Level 3:
- 2x employees ( 2 and 3)1x arrow1x ship (50q5)
Level 4:
- 1x employees (5)
1x air (50q5)1x rpg (15q5)1x energy bars (5q5)
- 1x rpg (30q5)
1x employees (10)1x energy bars (10q5)
1x air (60q5)
- 1x energy bars (20q5)
1x rpg (50q5)
1x house (1q5)
1x employees (15)
Level 7:
- 1x missiles (5q5)
1x life kit (3q5)
1x gold (5)
Level 8:
- 1x booster (1q3)
1x intelligence (20)
1x strenght (10)
thekrekcXanderKame SenninBikkinBikkinBikkinBikkinSPIRITUSgeometarrrHuang DiPony of DarknessUndeadAlitaBunnyLiuBunnyLiuRDaggerNeverOrDieTHE ONEMilk007GomasuGottfried BouillonVladyslausMrBogdanVoyvodaOdVutreSt0L3nSt0L3nSpurdo SpardeFlyingCangarooBombero1976Stevan GStevan GStevan GStevan GStevan GStevan GStevan GStevan GStevan GStevan GStevan GArminatoringComentários (15)


Very useful, thanks!

Does the chance to drop arrows increase with damage dealt or simply the amount of attacks is considered?

Amount of hits (attacks)

Thanks for the information.

Your welcome @TheDankSavage



Pfft, useless event! Everyone should get a taste of my V on V Day!!!

very informative just need little text formatting

I know stol3n but something is wrong :/

+Level3: helicopters (50q5)

Yes ednau i forgot that

3x5, 3x4, 2x3