Publicado em Croatia - Análise e debates políticos - 06 Dec 2019 04:05 - 9
Presidential elections (provisional) results – eRevollution December 2019 -
Interesting facts:
There are 76 countries in eRev.
Presidential elections were held in 60 countries, but only 11 countries had more than one candidate.
No elections held in16 countries:
Albania, Australia,China, Cyprus, Czech Rep., Denmark, India, Iran, Latvia, Lithuania,
Morocco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Peru, Russia, Singapore
49 Country Presidents Elected Unopposed:
Afganistan - fraykez
Argentina - adrian1984
Armenia - Elefantescu
Belgium – Kaveh
Bulgaria - kukata
Canada - Arawaco
Chile - TheCrow
Croatia – BornaX
Cuba – PericSS
Egypt – mekilla
Finland - Zvonimir54
France - Riina
Georgia - Georgian Legend
Germany – Galaico
Greece - hawkoulis
Hungary – Talan
Indonesia - F16Fighter
Ireland – WinstonHope Smith
Israel - Qurcika
Italy – Dibex
Japan – Ceda
Malaysia – AmirAlMuqminin
Montenegro – LjuboCupic
Nigeria - Donald John Trump
North Korea - BestNoob
Norway - Darth Maul
Pakistan - sarfaraz
Paraguay - fErOiG Siul
Philippines – Zarmael
Poland - bzylek
Portugal - TugaWolf II
Republic of China(Taiwan) – Star Rain
Saudi Arabia - KHATTAB
Serbia - Nilson
Slovakia – Savz58
Slovenia – revenger81
South Africa -Nelson82
South Korea –Pinxxel
Spain - lukevajo
Sweden - Binies
Switzerland –Kendo Yanar
Thailand - Tinea
Turkey – Acun Abi
Ukraine – Igor1988
UAE - 994555761
United Kingdom –certacito
Uruguay - Alex
USA – yomadafakaa
Venezuela - macolms
Elections with multiple candidates held in 11 countries:
Austria – Sevastokrator
Belarus - LyaSer
Bolivia - Alejandro (yep, he is back… poor Bolivia)
Bosnia andHerzegovina – ljiljan02
Brazil - VOLKOFF
Colombia – Jinx
Estonia – Walen
Mexico – Chicharito
Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) – goodbeer
Republic of Moldova– Artiom Beleaev
Romania - Bhalaur
Interesting facts:
There are 76 countries in eRev.
Presidential elections were held in 60 countries, but only 11 countries had more than one candidate.
No elections held in16 countries:
Albania, Australia,China, Cyprus, Czech Rep., Denmark, India, Iran, Latvia, Lithuania,
Morocco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Peru, Russia, Singapore
49 Country Presidents Elected Unopposed:
Afganistan - fraykez
Argentina - adrian1984
Armenia - Elefantescu
Belgium – Kaveh
Bulgaria - kukata
Canada - Arawaco
Chile - TheCrow
Croatia – BornaX
Cuba – PericSS
Egypt – mekilla
Finland - Zvonimir54
France - Riina
Georgia - Georgian Legend
Germany – Galaico
Greece - hawkoulis
Hungary – Talan
Indonesia - F16Fighter
Ireland – WinstonHope Smith
Israel - Qurcika
Italy – Dibex
Japan – Ceda
Malaysia – AmirAlMuqminin
Montenegro – LjuboCupic
Nigeria - Donald John Trump
North Korea - BestNoob
Norway - Darth Maul
Pakistan - sarfaraz
Paraguay - fErOiG Siul
Philippines – Zarmael
Poland - bzylek
Portugal - TugaWolf II
Republic of China(Taiwan) – Star Rain
Saudi Arabia - KHATTAB
Serbia - Nilson
Slovakia – Savz58
Slovenia – revenger81
South Africa -Nelson82
South Korea –Pinxxel
Spain - lukevajo
Sweden - Binies
Switzerland –Kendo Yanar
Thailand - Tinea
Turkey – Acun Abi
Ukraine – Igor1988
UAE - 994555761
United Kingdom –certacito
Uruguay - Alex
USA – yomadafakaa
Venezuela - macolms
Elections with multiple candidates held in 11 countries:
Austria – Sevastokrator
Belarus - LyaSer
Bolivia - Alejandro (yep, he is back… poor Bolivia)
Bosnia andHerzegovina – ljiljan02
Brazil - VOLKOFF
Colombia – Jinx
Estonia – Walen
Mexico – Chicharito
Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) – goodbeer
Republic of Moldova– Artiom Beleaev
Romania - Bhalaur
Kame SenninKame SenninPony of DarknessHarleyQuinnmachelevahiiiid 68PamiscoPepiaitoAcun Abi77teshu77f_ckirma inashvilivagueDondarrionDondarrionDondarrionDondarrionEl Noobiesagi18FightMasterFightMasterRapidkoHuguesHuguesHuguesHuguesHuguesHuguesHuguesHuguesHuguesHuguesHuguesHuguesHuguesHuguesHuguesLo0pinGbaja232Belgorbrn2101Hargita2013ePazZabcisterTwingzasbzadeDzojaSallyPMihaitinydeepsilverKlatchMister NoLendlHaiN EvLaTZvonimir54Comentários (9)
Interesting, the political side of this game is not in its strongest state... voted!
Add Iran or admin s gonna kill you
@HarleyQuinn - Iran is already here. They are one of the 16 countries that had no Presidential elections this month.
V. O7
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