Publicado em Turkey - Entreterimento e interações sociais - 19 Mar 2016 13:25 - 15

this is the too lazy didn`t read version of WS 10s goodbye article...
republished by Eldarion Sionnodel who is now temp banned too...
tbh i dont like that 2 people are able to play from one IP...
but i think admins argumentation about the ban and deleting the article is even worse...
so here is my censored version...
lets see how long it will stay in the news and how long i will stay unbanned...
until now i was just banned one time in my whole life and that was for multi accounting some days AFTER i allready wrote my goodbye article, sent all my stuff to my friends and wrote to admins to delete my old account because i want to start a new acc...
one day later my old acc and my brand new one was banned... :D
and one more day later i started the acc with wich i now play "the other game"
so if i get a ban for that article it whould be my first "real" ban... ^^
anyway here it is:
I've temporary banned today. The charge was that i send helis to baskan, and
i get gold from "stelyos"(admin uming that baskan's multi account)
for helis. We have common heli factories in the MU and when we arrange
an operation, i am giving helis to every person in my MU. Yesterday at
war against Bulgaria, i needed energy drinks to win the battle. And i
was have 16 golds. I asked baskan to borrow me 10 golds and i would be
able to buy 20x energy drinks. And admin banned for trade between multi
accounts. I proved that his mistake to admin with whatsapp talks and
MU's google doc for heli companies. But he ignored my proofs and
believed what he want. Thats what happens when you trust a non-corporate
i explained the situation with evidences that you can see;
Proof 1: This is MU's google doc sheet. I am writing how much helis given to our MU members (NOT SELLING of course, because those helis belong to all mu members). Admin claims that i give helis all those players for free, but i sold
helis to Baskan for golds. Yeah Baskan is fool :) Sounds logical admin,
nice catch.

I can't paste here google doc link for privacy but i sent it to admin.
Proof 2: Here is the whatsapp talk between me and baskan, i translated it for you

And admin's answer for those evidences; He is blaming me with lying. This is a joke right, he doesn't aware that i am a client.

So who is Stelyos? Stelyos is baskan's best buddy about 20 years. And admin know that because baskan explained
with mail. That's why he didn't get banned until today.
Rules are clear and there is no rule for that admin claims me. He has no idea with the rules that he wrote.
The Conclusion: I didn't write this article to admin, he already ignored me, i don't care. I am writing it
for players, i am trying to prove that i am not lying an i am absolutely
right. I didn't loose anything. Could i keep continue to play? Yes, but
i won't. I already sold all my companies and i will give golds to my MU
for build more heli factories. I am leaving the game because there is a
saying in my country; "Those who remain silent in the face of
injustice, become a supporting party."
I bought golds several times. But i didn't emphasize that and i didn't ask for favor. I just wanted justice.
I made 2 android apps for this game that already used hundreds of times,
i didn't ask for medal, golds or something else in return. (I won't
stop or delete app, u can keep continue to using it by the way. Because i
made it for you, not for admin)
I made a website that was Turkish community (, i
was trying to make it multilingual for all countries, and i didn't ask
for anything in return again.
Today it happened to me, there is no guarantee that won't happen to you tomorrow.
ajdinhoCihanAnonymous HeroComentários (15)



yeah.. the way game is set up any active citizen is in danger of same treatment... there is no guarantee that won't happen to you tomorrow.


ppl will just stop playing this game and its all over

"Those who remain silent in the face of injustice, become a supporting party."

what we can do ? admins are god in this game ...

@Dark_Boy without players they are just some unemployed guys... 

@RAF904 They just need KyloRen, Miltiados, etc. playing the game and its a perfect game...

ADMIN made them delete the article??? WOW! Ok ban if you have proof, but censorship is absolutely not OK.

Ready for getting banned

As being the another game owner I can particularly understand admins position.
If you are trying to make clean game from the initial you will be "cruel god" for a period.
But from my personal experience: all of the information got from cookies and IP is useless in the cases of real multies usage.
And surely if there are no real combination of the facts that 2 accounts are multies controlled by 1 guy (not the case of they just share 1 hardware because of RL close) - it is better to let situation away...
So it is dilemma as always: what is better - to punish innocent or to let the guilty

Join a different game (I'm not allowed to say that you should join vPopulus, because I can be banned for that) but there are plenty of games similar to this that the Admins will treat you fairly....