Publicado em Romania - Entreterimento e interações sociais - 23 Apr 2021 11:14 - 6
Proverb japonez
The smile on a person's mouth is like a lantern on the doorway of a home, it indicates that there is a soul inside.
Japanese proverb
“The Antonov 225, the heaviest and most powerful plane ever built.”
“Bamboo that grew up during the pandemic without the effect if tourists' touch.”
“Alpine shelter on Monte Cristallo, Auronzo di Cadore - Italy (World War 1, 1915/18), located at 2760 meters.”
“2 little snails on a chameleons tail.”
Iată-ne ajunși la finalul acestui episod al pozuțelor de vineri, până la o nouă regăsire vă doresc weekend plin de surprize plăcute, pace, sănătate și multe bucurii!
Să aveți grijă de suflețelele voastre și să nu uitați...să zâmbiți!!!
Here we are at the end of this episode of Friday's pics, until a new reunion I wish you a weekend full of pleasant surprises, peace, health and many joys!
Take care of your souls and don't forget ... smile !!!
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Photos of Istanbul and Mecca are impressive. (probably because it s about my identity
Also I can recommend someone to you. @ugurgallen from instagram.