Publicado em Romania - Entreterimento e interações sociais - 07 May 2021 16:06 - 4

“The apocalypse is beautiful this time of year. (Brazil)”

“Lake Baldeneysee in Essen, Germany.”

“I've been bored during lockdown, it's made from cardboard and hot glue.”

“Long exposure picture of plane taking off.”

“Baby octopuses still in their eggs.”

“When a 6.8 magnitude earthquake hit Seattle in 2001, shop owner Jason Ward discovered that the quake had produced this pattern in a sand-tracing pendulum.”

“A 3500 years old lighter, found among King Tutankhamun's properties.”

“A Leopon is the Hybrid Offspring of a Male Leopard and a Lioness.”

“This street view in Istanbul.”

“Stockholm Telephone Tower with about 5,500 telephone lines, 1890.”

“Watermelon Ave. Lake Maccdonell, Australia.”

“Hotel Complex Inspired by Trees in Sanya City, Hainan, China”

“Haid Al-Jazeel ... a Yemeni village perched on a giant rock.”

“This is Popocatépetl, one of Mexico's most active volcanoes.”

"Family! Just a beautiful placing of stones artistically."

Iar pe ultima sută de metri am reușit cu succes să mai termin un capitol al pozuțelor de vineri…
Yuuhuuu! Să înceapă weekend-ul!
Vă doresc un sfârșit de săptămână după bunul vostru plac, cu bucurie , liniște și pace alături de cei care vă fac viața mai frumoasă!
Să aveți grijă de voi și de suflețelele voastre și nu uitați să zâmbiți!!!
And on the last hundred meters I successfully managed to finish another chapter of Friday's pics…
Yuuhuuu! Let the weekend start!
I wish you a weekend to your liking, with joy, peace and quiet with those who make your life more beautiful!
Take care of yourself and your souls and don't forget to smile !!!

Folosește-ți zâmbetul pentru a schimba această lume, nu lăsa lumea aceasta să-ți schimbe zâmbetul.
(Lil Wayne)
Use your smile to change this world, don't let this world change your smile.
(Lil Wayne)
“The apocalypse is beautiful this time of year. (Brazil)”
“Lake Baldeneysee in Essen, Germany.”
“I've been bored during lockdown, it's made from cardboard and hot glue.”
“Long exposure picture of plane taking off.”
“Baby octopuses still in their eggs.”
“When a 6.8 magnitude earthquake hit Seattle in 2001, shop owner Jason Ward discovered that the quake had produced this pattern in a sand-tracing pendulum.”
“A 3500 years old lighter, found among King Tutankhamun's properties.”
“A Leopon is the Hybrid Offspring of a Male Leopard and a Lioness.”
“This street view in Istanbul.”
“Stockholm Telephone Tower with about 5,500 telephone lines, 1890.”
“Watermelon Ave. Lake Maccdonell, Australia.”
“Hotel Complex Inspired by Trees in Sanya City, Hainan, China”
“Haid Al-Jazeel ... a Yemeni village perched on a giant rock.”
“This is Popocatépetl, one of Mexico's most active volcanoes.”
"Family! Just a beautiful placing of stones artistically."
Iar pe ultima sută de metri am reușit cu succes să mai termin un capitol al pozuțelor de vineri…
Yuuhuuu! Să înceapă weekend-ul!
Vă doresc un sfârșit de săptămână după bunul vostru plac, cu bucurie , liniște și pace alături de cei care vă fac viața mai frumoasă!
Să aveți grijă de voi și de suflețelele voastre și nu uitați să zâmbiți!!!
And on the last hundred meters I successfully managed to finish another chapter of Friday's pics…
Yuuhuuu! Let the weekend start!
I wish you a weekend to your liking, with joy, peace and quiet with those who make your life more beautiful!
Take care of yourself and your souls and don't forget to smile !!!
Pony of DarknessDe OblandoBaba VossevilgodevilgodmacheleCaptain HarlockQuentin Tarantinovisatordragica1pedrositoalt puiastonrivllChocolataMrBogdandgyx1983dgyx1983Pratinoparazituparazitumikronagant895nagant895nagant895nagant895nagant895B A R O NB A R O NB A R O NZeparZeparZeparZeparComentários (4)

to many pictures voted

I know Deadly, you re right ... Every time I propose to put less but I can t decide which one to put or not,
I don t want it to be a long and boring article ... I hope that in the future I manage to cut from the pictures ... Thanks for the vote and support!

no cut, just joy