Publicado em Germany - Assuntos financeiros - 08 Sep 2021 00:37 - 5
Call for German people and friends !!!
With your help guys we will try to make more stronger players and help ones that dont have resource to get their first pet. How we will do it ?
Spread message trough all channels that you can so you can bring your people into game again, if you are in position to help, help us, you should tell them that this is one time oportunity to get Pet, if they dont want to bother with it, ask them to help you . We dont want any rules to be broken, so every donation in golds or weps needs to be transfered to me, your CP, so we can make spreadsheet who gave us what / if someone want to donate ofc), join our discord for more info. All donations will be returned as soon as we can return them. Consider this as m loan action. No other answers will be provided here, it will be provided onlyin our discord channel.
we must act fast....
With your help guys we will try to make more stronger players and help ones that dont have resource to get their first pet. How we will do it ?
Spread message trough all channels that you can so you can bring your people into game again, if you are in position to help, help us, you should tell them that this is one time oportunity to get Pet, if they dont want to bother with it, ask them to help you . We dont want any rules to be broken, so every donation in golds or weps needs to be transfered to me, your CP, so we can make spreadsheet who gave us what / if someone want to donate ofc), join our discord for more info. All donations will be returned as soon as we can return them. Consider this as m loan action. No other answers will be provided here, it will be provided onlyin our discord channel.
we must act fast....
NairobicertacitocertacitoLijaserLijaserLijaserLijaserZeroZeroZeroZeroZeroZeroZerojj tuckerComentários (5)

Take care, if you loan more than 500g = ban, if you don t return the loan in 30 days = ban, no matter if you re CP or not. 

if so, all Romanians would be banned

Give me 3k !!!!

It should be ok with state money. We didnt have any problems with loans and subsidies we did for company upgrades in January. Anyway, everyone returned their loan in time ( we did it with 60 days deadline).
If this would be prohibited you can always vote new person each day as CP so everyone can steal part of tresary - since that shit is legal ...