Publicado em Romania - Análise da guerra - 14 Feb 2023 07:28 - 5

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Why do people hate missions? I love them, they give a lot of energy, RPGs and gold and they are fun!

Because there are some in today s mechanics are almost impossible. They use not to be but they are now.

@koumoutsa of course people do not hate all missions. Things as ``do X hits in that wars`` or ``endorse newspapers`` are usually ok. What Gabrielz said is right, many missions are almost impossible or very hard. Other missions are very expensive in gold (equip upgrade if you do not have a stock of stones, waste 200g on store etc.). Quests are way better, because they are like the easy missions which everyone can do

I dont like only RW missions. For updates equipment i always keep blue stones from events. This time i have a luck in first time i updates equipment. But still in first RW mission blocked 

RW missions with captcha - brrrrrrrr