Publicado em Peru - Entreterimento e interações sociais - 22 Jul 2023 09:51 - 6

Throughout the history of Peru, important chroniclers have collected legends about the origin of the Inca Empire. However, only two of them have become part of Peruvian culture by narrating the origin of the largest pre-Columbian lation. The chroniclers Guamán Poma, Cieza de León, and Betanzos were responsible for collecting the Legend of the Ayar Brothers, one of the most lar myths that explains the origin of the Incas in the history of Peru.
Meanwhile, the legend of Manco Cápac and Mama Ocllo was documented by the Cusco chronicler Inca Garcilaso de la Vega. Let's delve into the details of these legends.

Legend of the Ayar Brothers
The legend tells that after an immense flood, four young men emerged: the Ayar brothers, along with their wives - Ayar Manco and Mama Ocllo, Ayar Cachi and Mama Cora, Ayar Uchu and Mama Rahua, Ayar Auca and Mama Huaco. According to the Inca legend, the group was in search of fertile lands.
Ayar Cachi, the strongest and most cunning brother, had a dispute with his siblings and was ordered to return to the caves of Pacarina. However, they sealed his exit with a rock, and he could never leave again.
The remaining brothers continued their journey to Mount Huanacauri, where they found a stone idol to which they showed respect, except for Ayar Uchu, who jumped on the statue's back and turned to stone. The same fate befell Ayar Auca, who, after continuing the journey, also turned to stone.
Ayar Manco was the only brother who reached Cusco and found good lands. After planting his golden staff, he founded Cusco, the capital of the Inca Empire.

Another legend of the foundation of the Inca Empire was revealed by Inca Garcilaso de la Vega. The Legend of Manco Cápac and Mama Ocllo is one of the Inca myths that narrates how the god Inti sent the spouses (who were also siblings) to Earth to civilize humanity, venerate the Sun god, and establish a great empire.
Emerging from the waters of Lake Titicaca, Manco Cápac and Mama Ocllo arrived in the land of humans, who immediately considered them divine beings. They remembered that the place where they would sink the golden scepter they carried would be where they would found the empire.
Although Manco Cápac marched north and Mama Ocllo headed south through the vast valley, the scepter was sunk in the Huanacauri hill, where the origin of the Inca Empire took place.

Inca Creation Myth
One of the most lar Inca myths recounts that the Andean god Viracocha created a universe without light, inhabited by giants who disobeyed him. This prompted Viracocha to bring torrential rains until the earth was submerged.
Viracocha decided to create beings similar to himself, and thus, humans were born. He then brought light by creating the moon, the sun, and the stars. To teach humanity, Viracocha sent Viracochan, a man who would be an example of a life in harmony, promoting peace and dedicating himself to agriculture and wise governance.
Over time, despite Viracocha's generosity, many humans began to mock their god and were transformed into stones. They learned that although Viracocha could be benevolent, he also had the power to punish them if they did not act guided by goodness.

Information about the Origin of the Inca Empire
When discussing the Inca Empire, it is impossible not to delve into historical findings that point to its origin. While many legends debate its origin, part of the history indicates that the Incas arrived in the Urubamba valley in the 13th century when they were fleeing from the Aymaras. There are archaeological and documentary references that support this idea.
However, in recent years, studies based on the historical reconstruction of Peru's native peoples under a genetic lens have sought to reveal whether there was a single Inca patriarch and to verify if the Tahuantinsuyo originated in Lake Titicaca or the Pacaritambo mountain, both considered the beginnings of the Inca Empire, as narrated in the most lar legends.

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It is curious that in our mythology the existence of a flood is also mentioned, and the death of giants.

Ours also had people that disobeyed god turned to stoneor a pillar of salt (salt is a stone

perhaps humanity has the same common past, many legends are repeated in various cultures and different religions, the only thing that does not fit is that there are so many different races.

Khaleesi, we are same. Red blod is samo for all, but religion and imagine borders are divided as.

I think the same, we are the same as human beings; but we are still far from being able to understand and accept each other