Publicado em Canada - Análise e debates políticos - 13 May 2016 13:50 - 4
Hello friends
First of all, I want to congrat to all of you for fighting and liberating our country. Great job friends.
Second reason why I wrote this article is to announce u that we will sign peace treaty
with Ireland (for now).

The reasons why we did this is:
-to fight more and help our allies
-to get more stabilized
-to renew our budget, so we could continue war and pay to USA for the rent regions
If you have some questions, feel free to ask in comment.
Best regards
Vojo 1389
First of all, I want to congrat to all of you for fighting and liberating our country. Great job friends.
Second reason why I wrote this article is to announce u that we will sign peace treaty
with Ireland (for now).

The reasons why we did this is:
-to fight more and help our allies
-to get more stabilized
-to renew our budget, so we could continue war and pay to USA for the rent regions
If you have some questions, feel free to ask in comment.
Best regards
Vojo 1389
AmotriesComentários (4)

(CAM) Peace

Why pay a rent to USA attack them

For now, we re in peace with them