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Army of Tangra

Xannibal - Jornal de Bulgaria -

Publicado em Bulgaria - Entreterimento e interações sociais - 14 May 2016 05:26 - 31

Greetings again my friends,

Today is one sunny, nice day, and I decided to spend some time in order to try gather our lovely game community support over couple ideas I believe will change in good direction our game.
Of course, if you, as readers and players, enjoy and support my ideas, I will ask to vote the article so it could reach top place in news, shout also if you wish, endorse if you find for nice !


1. I believe most of our players, from all sides, slowly realised that Defensive System % are too overpowered. We saw it in Aegean Islands, yesterday in Sardinia, we see it in Poland-Germany wars, slowly I believe we can say - day after day we will see it again and again. Until you can decrease enemy damage by 35% and they are active literally in every place on map, this will lead to a moment when major countries will be practically unbeatable. Also such thing could happen that small nations, for example like Albania - 3 region - one can set DS Q5 there and literally destroy any possibilities such country to get free regions. Same can happen to many other counries, killing entire communities I believe. So here is what I believe we must unite to be changed :

1.1. Defensive Systems % to be lowed from 7-14-21-28-35 to 5-10-15-20-25%

1.2. Defensive Systems to don't work against Resistance Wars. (here I must thank to ktab also for the idea)

1.3. Defensive Systems set by a country in not core regions to work only with 80% of their power (which means 4-8-12-16-20%)

This I believe will bring more balance and will reduce the chance a country development to be bringed to total destructions.


2. We have True Patriot ranking - international and country ones - maybe it is time we have True Ally ranking for both too !

3. When we go marketplace to purchase any type of raw materials, send us directly to the type of raw, there is no need we confirm we want to look
for Q1 type since it is just one quality type.

4. Add some rewards for second and third ranked damage dealers, so players have more desire to fight for top three positions, maybe some
currencies, for example 100cc for second place and 50cc for third,
according the country for which you fight.

5. Add some mission for expanding at least with 1000 limit more the storage house. For example produce 800 bread Q1and get reward of 1000 storage +
  3 expirience or like this. New players, who don t know tricks and etc, are having problem with such small storages, I found this out in my days as Country President expirience. For such players 1750 currency and 35 gold are impossible sums.

6.Add mission for collecting specific amount of votes on article, for example 50 votes for an article to complete mission, or amount of
comments - we need more activity in journalism so we have more things to do in game and people learn express themselfes by journalism too. It
will be nice if reward is attractive so people find the sense to create some quality articles.

7. Add a poll system into articles, it will make things easier for referendums, voting in total and etc.

8. Add event for Ministers of Education that new player has registered in their country, so they can contact him faster and so on. After all this
is one of their priority jobs. This I believe will be some very very good decision for giving better abilities to Ministers to do the job entire game is dependent on - new players.

9. As we can declare wars and sign peace, we should also be capable as we can sign Mutual Protection Pacts, then also to vote for their ending. I
found this politically fair, even if maybe to be set 20 gold cost for activating such vote (since MPP cost 10g).

10. Add flying contract - people who want can purchase such for example 10 gold for 15 days, 18 gold for 30 days and 30 gold for 60 days, and they
will be able to travel for free. This will open amazing options for contacts, international business, mercenary teams and etc.

11. Since many players lost sense to gain subscribers after they was bringed to zero (for example I do I had 778 subs them back to 0, I have no
sense go fight for 800 again), add some marking for example as the scammer one or the ambador medal for reaching 200 - 400 - 600 - 800 - 1000 and so on subs with some reward. This will return for many many active players the sense first to work well and produce quality articles to earn subs, second will additionally award people who have proven themselfes as quality journalists. We need more active journalism which to attract players attention into game more.
For example:
200 subs - 2 gold reward - title Attractive Journalist
400 subs - 5 gold reward - title Professional Journalist
600 subs - 7 gold reward - title Amazing Journalist
800 subs - 10 gold reward - title TOP Cl Journalist
1000 subs - 15 gold reward - title Hall of Fame Journalist

12. Add requirment for purchasing Defensive System and Hospital companies level 25 - so new players and etc. don't make the mistakes to buy such.

13. Add congress channel in shouts.

OK, that is from me for now !
As I mentioned, if you like ideas and etc, please put a votey on my article, shouts I would appreciate also !
Comments with critics or new ideas are something important too !



MarlockProudbgeCarterno0bsailbotTyraelyBrKayAir HissonHCorben

Comentários (31)

v good ideas the defensive sistems rework is needed I think
Defensive Systems should be allowed only on core regions. Add functions for Government? they are useless right now. Also some rewards for big invitors would be great.. at 50x sb ,100x sb
No bo*** no vote!!! Smile
fantastic thinking, full support!!!
voted! Wink
support - vote - endorse !
Vv and support.
Very very good ideas! Еваларско от мен!вотец,събец,Браво.
To defense is too overpowered but to have x2 bonuses is not overpowered ?
Very good suggestions, admin should considering them !
toooooooooooo loooooooooooooonggg buuuuttt feeeeels soooooo gooooood
voted know what will happen? S4S my newspaper and vote my empty (or maybe they will add one picture) article... 10. i think thats not a good idea... BH hunters will grow in RWs and small players have a even smaller chance to get a BH medal... also rich big producers (like me) whould get it even cheaper to travel into small countrys and empty their raw markets at low costs... that will lead to higher raw prices in small countrys and this will mean that its just profitable anymore for big producers to buy raws there... so the producers of small countrys will have it even harder (next to the fact that they have to travel to produce with full bonuses) to build bigger companys... 12. no more S4S shouts pls... 13. how much shouts do you need? for every player one extra shout??? seriously with congress members you should talk by irc/skype/what ever... if they arent active enough for something like that then it doesnt matter if you talk to them or not... Wink
Is any admin reading this? I think there are all great ideas. I would like to see at least one implemented
There should be message groups...
ADD THIS - once employee start works for you, he need to stay for 3 days,and salary remain fixed for that 3 days ...
Yes, we are reading it, and we like most of the ideas Radu Laugh
i have 2 questions : 1. you want to erase small Albania? 2. you want to increase possibilities such country i.e Serbia to get free Albanian regions?
That s really good news Biskvit! Good job!
@Miyako Idea is that nobody is able to erase small Albania, cause right now if Albania regions go in Serbian power ot MKD power or etc again, they put there x3 Q5 DS and Albania is dead. This is why my idea was that in Resistance wars Def Systems to be unactive !
Add a button to go directly on the top of the page
Great ideas Wink ...but I don t like the shout for congressmans thing. .it will just be filled with s4s .. in replace for this I think admins should add multiplie message delivers that we can send message to two people or more
Should nerf DS MORE.
Great ideas except num. 6 and 10