Publicado em Bulgaria - Ordens de batalha - 21 May 2016 10:39 - 45
Today we was witnesses of a problem with servers, which awkwrdly bad got into timing making suspicious my nation - Bulgaria - for it.
I must say it clear - nobody in Bulgaria is happy from what happened in Cyprus.
We was prepairing for one heavy and amazing battle, one close edge revolt and one other - in Haifa.
I have no idea what and how it happened, but as situation for now is two UNFAIR won battles - North Cyprus battle vs Turkey and South Cyprus RW, Bulgaria will concede following actions.
1. Bulgaria WILL NOT IN ANY MATTER TAKE ADVANTAGE BY THE INITIATIVE TIMER of 24 hrs after the "success" war vs Turkey. This battle we won not because of our helicopters, organisation and timing, but because of game related problem. Sadly, very very sadly, this is a battle which we probably will never know who won. But Bulgaria is not happy with such type of wins, because for us, they are not wins, but gifts.
Turkey citizens and goverment can be sure Bulgaria will not attack any region in any time, because that initiative was gained unfair for us.
2. Bulgaria activated battle vs Greece in Western Desert. That initiative I claim we won fairly, with our damage, after our success in Thrace attack. I believe Bulgaria fairly deserved it's right to use the initiative advantage in this case.
3. I will ask if possible to know the player who started the RW in Cyprus, so I suggest him to cover up half of the cost - 7.50 gold. I believe it is fair, because the RW there was very close into damage.
4. I would ask Turkey and Cyprus revolutioner to open same battles tommorow when able, so we can enjoy our game and our fights as we should - comparing our damage not our luck amount.
5. I would ask for fast investigation over the case and brutal, I want brutal permanent ban and IP block for the player who did this, cause it seems it have been an DDoS attack - . Only this could bring surness and justice because right now many will blame my country for it.
I must say - I definetely believe nobody of my friends, soldiers and countryman is capable to do such thing. We are maybe not the strongest nation, but we have our honour, principles and fate in our strenghts.
President of eBulgaria
Translation in Turkish, with kind asking and support by Frank Underwood
Bugün, serverlardan dolayı bir sıkıntı yaşadık ve zamanlaması dolayısı ile ülkemi - Bulgaristan - zor duruma düşürdü.
Kıbrıs savaşında yaşananlardan dolayı Bulgaristan da kimse memnun değil.
Savaş sonu için çok ciddi hazırlık yapmıştık. Fakat sonuç olarak adil
olmayan bir şekilde kazandık, bu yüzden de aşağıdakileri yapacağız:
1- Bulgaristan olarak, saldırı insiyatifinden avantaj sağlamayacak.
Kazanmadığımız, hediye edilen bu savaştan dolayı insiyatifi kesinlikle
2- Thrace de Yunanistan a karşı adilce kazandığımız savaştan dolayı,
Yunanistan a karşı yeni bir savaş başlattık. Burada bir sıkıntı olduğunu
3- Kıbrıs isyanını başlatan kişiyi öğrenmeyi ümit ediyorum böylece isyan masrafını bölüşebiliriz.
4- Kıbrıslı ve Türk isyancıların aynı savaşı yarın da başlatmalarını ve böylece adilce savaşabileceğimizi ümit ediyorum.
5- DDos saldırısının arkasında kimler olduğunu öğrenmek ve bu kişilerin
IP ban almaları için gerekeni yapmalarını söylemek için adminlerle
iletişime geçtim.
Belirtmek istiyorum ki Bulgaristan da kimse bu tür bir saldırıyı yapacak kadar onurdan yoksun değil.
Today we was witnesses of a problem with servers, which awkwrdly bad got into timing making suspicious my nation - Bulgaria - for it.
I must say it clear - nobody in Bulgaria is happy from what happened in Cyprus.
We was prepairing for one heavy and amazing battle, one close edge revolt and one other - in Haifa.
I have no idea what and how it happened, but as situation for now is two UNFAIR won battles - North Cyprus battle vs Turkey and South Cyprus RW, Bulgaria will concede following actions.
1. Bulgaria WILL NOT IN ANY MATTER TAKE ADVANTAGE BY THE INITIATIVE TIMER of 24 hrs after the "success" war vs Turkey. This battle we won not because of our helicopters, organisation and timing, but because of game related problem. Sadly, very very sadly, this is a battle which we probably will never know who won. But Bulgaria is not happy with such type of wins, because for us, they are not wins, but gifts.
Turkey citizens and goverment can be sure Bulgaria will not attack any region in any time, because that initiative was gained unfair for us.
2. Bulgaria activated battle vs Greece in Western Desert. That initiative I claim we won fairly, with our damage, after our success in Thrace attack. I believe Bulgaria fairly deserved it's right to use the initiative advantage in this case.
3. I will ask if possible to know the player who started the RW in Cyprus, so I suggest him to cover up half of the cost - 7.50 gold. I believe it is fair, because the RW there was very close into damage.
4. I would ask Turkey and Cyprus revolutioner to open same battles tommorow when able, so we can enjoy our game and our fights as we should - comparing our damage not our luck amount.
5. I would ask for fast investigation over the case and brutal, I want brutal permanent ban and IP block for the player who did this, cause it seems it have been an DDoS attack - . Only this could bring surness and justice because right now many will blame my country for it.
I must say - I definetely believe nobody of my friends, soldiers and countryman is capable to do such thing. We are maybe not the strongest nation, but we have our honour, principles and fate in our strenghts.
President of eBulgaria
Translation in Turkish, with kind asking and support by Frank Underwood
Bugün, serverlardan dolayı bir sıkıntı yaşadık ve zamanlaması dolayısı ile ülkemi - Bulgaristan - zor duruma düşürdü.
Kıbrıs savaşında yaşananlardan dolayı Bulgaristan da kimse memnun değil.
Savaş sonu için çok ciddi hazırlık yapmıştık. Fakat sonuç olarak adil
olmayan bir şekilde kazandık, bu yüzden de aşağıdakileri yapacağız:
1- Bulgaristan olarak, saldırı insiyatifinden avantaj sağlamayacak.
Kazanmadığımız, hediye edilen bu savaştan dolayı insiyatifi kesinlikle
2- Thrace de Yunanistan a karşı adilce kazandığımız savaştan dolayı,
Yunanistan a karşı yeni bir savaş başlattık. Burada bir sıkıntı olduğunu
3- Kıbrıs isyanını başlatan kişiyi öğrenmeyi ümit ediyorum böylece isyan masrafını bölüşebiliriz.
4- Kıbrıslı ve Türk isyancıların aynı savaşı yarın da başlatmalarını ve böylece adilce savaşabileceğimizi ümit ediyorum.
5- DDos saldırısının arkasında kimler olduğunu öğrenmek ve bu kişilerin
IP ban almaları için gerekeni yapmalarını söylemek için adminlerle
iletişime geçtim.
Belirtmek istiyorum ki Bulgaristan da kimse bu tür bir saldırıyı yapacak kadar onurdan yoksun değil.
Mohammad SaadMarlockAntimon 101amethyst77BoraxSOLARComentários (45)

We are brave and strong enough to win our battles with helicopters !

BS, not supported


Respect o7

I sent you the translation, would be great If you add it.
I must say, thank you for your kindness. This is the fair thing to do.



Justice prevails.


I think this is your thoughts, not bulgaria. Bulgarians seems so happy with that

Sultan the ePresident represents the nation and I think this is only fair

So why ePresident acting like whole bulgaria want this? this is more much big problem. Bulgarians are slave of Jus7LeTHaL? Can t they think what they want? Or are they are bunch of multies?

respect o/

Sultan, no they aren t turkey. if someone doesn t like it he can leave. why are you sowing discontent? it won t win you battles

This is how you fight with honor! And not with not signing NAP for over 2 months just because you are stronger and GREEDY!
Turks have a lot to learn.
Well Done Jus7LeTHaL !

Sultan, stop fooling around and come to Croatia, we are waiting for you, you beautiful 16 years old boy!

@alabud are you kidding me? ahahahaha

I remember times when bulgaria won battles in E R E P as well because of server attracts, is it just accident or on regular basis?

Sultan, CUM TO US!!!

ahaha i will 

We act like gentleman and do not abuse the server attack and Turkish players are still unhappy? Maybe you should think if you would have done the same here... probably not...

Bulgaria is the kindest country in erev so far 

Lots of respect for the action , in my opinion you guys don t have to do that ,but great job anyways!

Adamsin lan. Lets get peace amk not war

respect o7

Respect for this. o7

hail Bulgaria !!! o7

I wish Lithuania did the same

O7 respect Bulgaria!



Sultan talks about multies and he is turk. AAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

o7 respect

Good decision Bulgaria. Respect! As for game DDoS my theory is that it`s done by other competing game (illuminati ;p)


Good decision.
And Respeck o7

A good move, respect o7

respect o7

Respected enemies.




Respect o7