Publicado em Germany - Análise e debates políticos - 30 May 2016 13:23 - 41

NAP between Germany and Poland and Ukraine and Poland
After a long war, these three countries have decided to enter into peace. In the end we came to this agreement.
- - Ukraine and Poland will stop the war between themselves and will not start the new war in next 60 days. Germany and Poland will stop the war between themselves and will not start the new war in next 70 days.
- Ukraine and Germany will give back Poland their core regions, except Little Poland. This region will stay in Ukraine, until the end of agreement (this can be prolonged, if both sides agree with this).
- Germany and Poland will exchange territories to gain bonuses. Germany will give to Poland : Saxony, Bavaria and Baden-Wurttemberg, and Poland will give to Germany Great Poland, and let stay Pomerania and Mazuria in Germany.
- Poland stay in MDP, but they will not set battle orders against Ukraine, and Germany will not set battle orders against MDP. Also, MDP members will not attack Germany in this period (70 days).
- Germany and Poland will have a peaceful politics in neighborhood, and territorial expansion will be arranged with the agreement with land owners.
- Poland and Germany will prepare and publish a document about the Strategic partnership between this two lands, about mutual support and common politics. They will defend each other if this will be needed, and help to expand both of countries. - If someone violates the agreement must pay 300 golds.- This agreement must be signed by the President The three countries or will not be valid.
Major EnesGiovanno69Giovanno69Comentários (41)

Signed o7

Signed I hope that this will take more than the 70 days o7








This document is highly unclear and signing in this version will be a huge mistake.

but this nap is not so good :/

It s just your opinion Phor

I don t need to sing it to keep my word.

I m happy for you guys o/




good agreement is when it is acceptable for everyone, but still with something what bothers every side involved in this o7

Well done.


I just want to ask, how someone can force someone to pay 300g?
you guys have peace treaty and use it, its 50g whitch you can take if someone broke the deal, that 300 that you talk about, well you cant force noone to pay that 


Что за отстой?

visit u mad? even in eWorld Ukraina is puppet of Germany


Welcome to NAP server 

This does seem to benefit great Poland :/

vist u mad? even in eWorld Ukraina is puppet of Germany

Go east! For limestoneclay.

Did UA and POL presidents take part in making of the text of this NAP?

@Maxym Ustyak , you can ask your president

The wisest move you have ever done o7