Publicado em Iran - Análise e debates políticos - 09 Jun 2016 12:01 - 1
Hi everybody ,
This is 7th article in this series and i hope you enjoy it . First of
all i want to thanks from your supports in this 3 months and i am
willing for your ideas to improve my research as always .
I increase minimum strength from 150 to 250 because Admin Changes which
was good indeed . i add 3 countries but i wont add again by myself , if
you want me to add your country next time please sent your country,s
name to me .
You will see many countries decrease in this table even because of
inactive 150-250 strength players which were much of course ! but that
dosen,t mean they hadn,t any progress in this period .
Serbia is still ahead with good difference , finally after more than 2
month France stop growing but they are in a good position right now ,
Turkey take back his second place completely and had better situation in
top 3 .
Other world powers maintaining their powers . Iran and Croatia had
better condition between them because of their baby booms plans .
Georgia and Canada enjoys very good progress .
Decreasing few people is not too bad because of minimum changes but some growing countries progress is totally halted .

we had a lots of new players in this month but total participation in Presidential Election didnt increase as you
can see below and that was surprising for me ! maybe because of one
candidate situation in some countries but still no progress from last
رفقا همینجور که میبینید کشورمون خیلی پیشرفت داشته و به راحتی مقام 4 رو به دست اوردیم جون هرکس دوست دارید این پیشرفت رو ادامه بدید تا رتبه 1 مال ما بشه
جون عمم اون روز رو دور نمیبینم
ساپ و رای فراموش نشه
This is 7th article in this series and i hope you enjoy it . First of
all i want to thanks from your supports in this 3 months and i am
willing for your ideas to improve my research as always .
I increase minimum strength from 150 to 250 because Admin Changes which
was good indeed . i add 3 countries but i wont add again by myself , if
you want me to add your country next time please sent your country,s
name to me .
You will see many countries decrease in this table even because of
inactive 150-250 strength players which were much of course ! but that
dosen,t mean they hadn,t any progress in this period .
Serbia is still ahead with good difference , finally after more than 2
month France stop growing but they are in a good position right now ,
Turkey take back his second place completely and had better situation in
top 3 .
Other world powers maintaining their powers . Iran and Croatia had
better condition between them because of their baby booms plans .
Georgia and Canada enjoys very good progress .
Decreasing few people is not too bad because of minimum changes but some growing countries progress is totally halted .

we had a lots of new players in this month but total participation in Presidential Election didnt increase as you
can see below and that was surprising for me ! maybe because of one
candidate situation in some countries but still no progress from last

رفقا همینجور که میبینید کشورمون خیلی پیشرفت داشته و به راحتی مقام 4 رو به دست اوردیم جون هرکس دوست دارید این پیشرفت رو ادامه بدید تا رتبه 1 مال ما بشه
جون عمم اون روز رو دور نمیبینم
ساپ و رای فراموش نشه
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