Publicado em Georgia - Entreterimento e interações sociais - 19 Jun 2016 03:09 - 111

Mister Administrator we all playing this game and if vist was cheater in this 5 month it's your fault and we all need answers . if anyone have cheat like this , playing this game will not interesting for us. we are your clients and you must explain . people paying real money for this game and you must do everything that this game has not lost interest to us .
to admin : if he used s c r i p t s within 5 months why banned only now? and why the moderators and admins do not notice it? We need answers from administration.
he was in the top 10 players. how administration let this happen? I demand answers from the administration !!
with respect your client : LoRD of Ge0rGia
and at least you have to write an article
KobllaComentários (111)


o7, i leave game, if nor unban


I don t know what happend, why vist was banned?


I leave game, if unban.

i doubt they have. Many players are banned all this time, they do not have to write an article for each one of them

KTAB BELIEVE ME IF ONE DAY THE WILL BAN YOU we will ask for answers too. so daear admins please say smth. we want to know a reason and explanaton how he menaged to break a game 


Giga if they ban me that means I would not be that clean player after all. And then I would like NO ONE to support me. If I m clean I will defend myself to admins. Not an unban movement where, if i cheated, i will make people support a cheater. It s unethical for all the others that have been permanently banned all this time.



I support ktab. If they ban me that means I would not be that clean player after all. And then I would like NO ONE to support me. If I m clean I will defend myself to admins. Not an unban movement where, if i cheated, i will make people support a cheater. It s unethical for all the others that have been permanently banned all this time.

copy paste skills

shit of georgia is right if a person is cheating admins are responsible for this xD xD


Noob Cheater supporters

@kaanteamo we are not supporting enyone we only need answers from administration






uzbuna cuju se sirene





V + S



I leave game, if unban.

If vist would have been an average player and not a tank, nobody would have said nothing about it. Every movement is for power


o7 !




You may need answers for, if there any, admins mistakes but you can not say Even Vist was and is cheater, you did not notice it from the beginning, so Unban Vist

stop supporting cheaters

but what admins and moderators doing ? if he used this s c r i p t s during 5 month for me this game is not interesting

STOP SUPPORTING CHEATERS ! Rules are rules they are ment to be followed strictly not only from players but from stuff as well. If you dont like this log out and never come back. I want to know why he didnt get banned till now as well i guess his
insolence became so big that they managed to catch him just now. But i agree that we need new moderators as the people doing the current job dont do their job biggest problem is that they are players from the game and they want their side to be better than the other one


i m not supporting anyone i just need answers from administration



Either used just one time or for five months. This deserves perma ban. What do you fight for? Today for us, another day for you... Do you defend cheating? Is that really what you defend.

@osmanlitokadi friend i m not supporting cheaters i just need answers from administration ! Turks are my friends and ukrainians . but i just need god damn answers from administration . we all playing this game and if Vist or enyone using cheats ! this will kill game !!!! what are doing moderators ? what are doing admin ?? i just need answers from administration !

we do not support to anyone we just ask for answeres that is actually what lord georgia tarted and yes ktab we would not ask unban only reason of your ban

If you quit the game because was Vist ban give your golds and everything else : D


answers ok then stop with that nonsense with unban vist. I say ban all of them who used bugs or s dont leave one person !!! there is no side in this situation doesnt matter if he is from Ukraine, Turkey, Canada Japan or whatever country if he used something that is against the rules he must be banned. END OF DISCUSSION

dude this is not discussion we need justice ! we need answers !


You say you are not supporting anyone but you have an UNBAN VIST at the end of your article. I understand your position, but I don t understand that last part, if he is a cheater ,even if it was moderation s fault for not banning him sooner it is better late than never, right?

Resest XIX you have to say thanks to the admin for the lightness in moderation. You should be banned long ago.


if he used cheats he must banned when he use s c r i p t first time and if you remeber when was SWEDEN UKRAINE war his damage was 100 kk +++

Ok, so you mean to say now that because he wasn t banned that time he should have immunity from now on? As I said, complaining about administration not banning him sooner is fine, but why are you asking him to get unbanned? That makes no sense.

i think he is not cheater but this is only my opinion ! I NEED ANSWERS FROM ADMINISTRATION !!! I NEED JUSTICE

I leave game, if unban.

Why you are asking for answers? I don t see any rule to explain ban reasons to everyone. If vist banned, vist gets the answer that why he banned. Admins are not have to explain everyone ban reasons.

because i m playing this game and because this is not totalitarian game we are users in this game and we paying real money and they must know what moders doing

@Lord of Ge0rGia admins already know what he is done. They don t need to give explanation for every ban to you. Admins revealed the bug yesterday with our help and we prooved that he is using bug. You are not protecting anyone s right, you are just protecting your ally who is cheating. And we will remember this when the time come.

if he used s c r i p t s within 5 months why banned only now? is that a joke? Think about a serial killer. He is killing people for 5 months. And finally cops are arresting him. Do you ask cops why arresting him now? Drink less my friend.

ally ? what you mean ?

you talking about ally ? really ? i think we are allies or i m not right ?

ws lool i saw that it s nothing. this can not be a reason. so that s why we ask reason s and clearness. moreover if you know your president. who all think that baned him is ban currently so we ask reason s why they got ban? ? ?

@Lord of Ge0rGia we can t be ally with a country who is trying to protect cheaters, and we won t forever. You decide that we are ally or not. @Giga codemaster of game has detected vist hit 7 times in 1 sec. And then he get banned, but you know there are five admins. Some of them wanted to remove his ban, because vist was a big gold buyer and was paying good. And kinsc get mad because of this. They argued with each other and banned kinsc temprorary. Still, admins don t have to explain anything to you.

WS 10 you best read my article you only seee UNBAN VIST ?

Yeah i only see unban vist. Tell me how can u say unban vist if u don t know why he is banned? That s why i am saying that you are protecting a cheater.

How many multi account have turky and nothing happened , hahahaha

@Anandamid you can always report if you think an account is a multi. You always have idea without knowledge, this is the sign of ignorance.

Good article! Btw
You need answer from adminiatrator not administration 

Why the heck you say I leave the game ,if not unban . For f sake if there was nothing wrong with him why admins would ban him? He could create new account to explain everything , but he didn t.Maybe he doesnt want to play more after all. So st*u people