Published in France - Warfare analysis - 15 Jul 2016 12:18 - 27

I am glad to announce that meetings between Brazil and MDP alliance have been concluded and hereby I present you the details of NAP agreement signed between two sides.
I - Preamble:
The campaign between France and Brazil has been going on for weeks now and in order to reach peaceful conclusion, both sides held a meeting with representives of MDP alliance and decided a NAP that includes following conditions.
II - Terms and Conditions:
1- Brazil and France will not get involved in a direct campaign each others.
2- The core regions of Spain that are currently under occupation of France will be liberated.
3- Brazil will liberate the region Canarias (ID 447)
4- Both countries are free to fight for their allies against any country, this agreement applies to only direct battles between France and Brazil.
5- The agreement will last for 30 days after the publishment of this article and both parties will schedule a meeting again If they like to prolonge it.
III - Signatures
MDP Headquarters:
Supreme Commander - Shiro
Vice Supreme Commander - Ancestral
Secretary of Foreign Affairs - Abraham Lincoln
FAS Headquarters
FAS Commander - CelioMG
Heads of State:
President of France - RethaElro
President of Brazil - MesterYoda
Officials in signatures list have to sign the above treaty in article comments.
Kind Regards
Secretary of Public Relations

Versão Portuguesa
Estou feliz em anunciar que as reuniões entre o Brasil e a aliança MDP foram concluídas e sendo im apresento-vos os detalhes do NAP (Pacto de Não-Agressão) inado entre os dois lados.
I - Preâmbulo
A campanha entre Brasil e França já leva semanas e a fim de alcançar uma conclusão pacífica, ambos os lados reuniram-se com representantes da MDP e acordaram um NAP que inclui as condições seguintes.
II - Termos e Condições
1- Brasil e França não se envolverão em campanhas diretas um contra o outro.
2- As regiões originais (core) da Espanha, atualmente sob ocupação da França, serão liberadas.
3- O Brasil libertará a região de Canary Islands (ID 447).
4- Ambos os países estão livres para lutar por seus aliados contra qualquer país. Esse acordo aplica-se somente às batalhas diretas entre Brasil e França.
5- O acordo tem duração de 30 dias após a publicação deste artigo (dia 187 ao 217) e ambas as partes agendarão uma nova reunião caso desejem prolongá-lo.
III - Assinaturas
Representantes da MDP:
Comandante Supremo - Shiro
Vice-Comandante Supremo - Ancestral
Secretário de Relações Exteriores - Abraham Lincoln
Headquarters da FAS:
Comandante da FAS - CelioMG
Chefes de Estado:
Presidente da França - RethaElro
Presidente do Brasil - MesterYoda
Os oficiais listados terão que inar o tratado acima nos comentários do artigo.
Kind Regards
Secretary of Public Relations

French Version
Très chers,
Je suis heureux de vous annoncer que le meeting entre le Brésil et l’alliance MDP c’est conclu apr al signature d’un traité de paix dont les conditions vous sont proposer ci-dessous, signer par les deux parties.
I - Préambule:
La campagne entre la France et le Brésil a duré de longues semaines et est en voie de connaître une fin pacifique, les deux parties ont tenues un meeting avec les représentants de MDP et ont défini un NAP dont voici les conditions :
II - Termes et Conditions:
1- Le Brésil et la France ne seront pas en guerre ouverte entre eux.
2- Les régions cores espagnoles actuellement sous le contrôle de la France seront libérées.
3- Le Brésil liberera la région des Canaries (ID 447)
4- Les deux parties sont libres de combattre au coté d’un allié contre n’importe quel pays, ce traité ne concernant que les guerre directes entre la France et le Brésil.
5- L’accord durera 30 jours suivant la parution de cet article; les deux parties devant tenir un nouveau meeting si elles souhaitent renouveller ce traité.
III - Signatures
MDP Headquarters:
Supreme Commander - Shiro
Vice Supreme Commander - Ancestral
Secretary of Foreign Affairs - Abraham Lincoln
FAS Headquarters
FAS Commander - CelioMG
Heads of State:
President of France - RethaElro
President of Brazil - MesterYoda
Les officiels précédements cités doivent signer ce traité en commentaire de cet article;
Kind Regards
Secretary of Public Relations
GhostringComments (27)

Signed - Vice Supreme Commander of MDP

Signed - Supreme Commander of MDP

Signed - CP of Brazil



signed !!
commander of the FAS !

o7 lol



It was a nice war o7



so.... an agreement between enemies... pfff... waiting for France break it... like Taiwan did before...

Signed - President of France

Retha means : Signed - Sister of the king of the north, son of RL

hue hue
and hail France.
It was a good fight.

türkçe versiyon =?


signed, vice head of Denpus 88 antimeow

Signed - Meusovo

Só esperando certo país quebrar o NAP... Tsc tsc tsc

Hungarian version?....pfff MDP

Now rBrazil will defect too?

Japan version!?