The Economist

Published in Switzerland - Political debates and analysis - 26 Jul 2016 01:52 - 11

Dear Citizens

Since i have an Economic Background in real life i figured why not try theories out in a fictional enviroment where we can only win.
So here we are, i know reading is pretty boring and most of us never tried it in school but belive me when i say the next 5minutes spent reading have the potential to turn this country by 180° into the big players on the economical market.

In Addtion, most of you are eager to fight and have war with other countries. Trust me when i tell you money is the most faersome weapon in warfare there has ever been.
No matter how many soldiers and enemy has, if he cant buy energy they cant fight.
No matter how much stronger the enemy players are if you can finance more multiplayers then they can.
No matter how much companies they have to produce theyre own weapons if they cant afford the raw materials.

First proposal: Kickstart the Economy

We, the citizens of Switzerland, need to decide on this and pull together. We need to stand together and fight together.

In eRevollution there are only 2 economic sectors right now but the third one will come soon.
First is the RAW sector, this is the sector for all producers of raw materials.
Second is the Producer of Products such as Weapons Helis Houses and much more.

On first look the second one looks way more compicated and much "cooler" than the first one, but trust me the first one is way more important. you can be the smartest man ever lived with the best ideas but if you dont have food or water you will never be successful.

Vote in Comments what economic sector we want to be!

To Kickstart our economy the whole country has to focus on one sector and adjust the taxes for it.

We lower the work tax so that workers become more porfitable in that sector.
We change the Import tax so that its cheaper to buy swiss made products from our sector than foreign.
We want to Export our sector and use the income to produce more of our sector.

This will also attract big players in the economy, big players who are focused on producing that specific kind of product and creat many jobs in switzerland.

Second proposal: Connect our market to the world

This is very important for a small country like we are. If we cannot trade with other countries efficient we can not compete with theire economy.

Our curreny is way to expensive on the market and does not represent what this country is today.
If you put your swiss currency on the market and no one buys it you still have your currency but it is worthless.

We need to sell your currency at 1 gold = 200 CC or CHEAPER

People need to be able to buy swiss CC for a GOOD PRICE or they will not buy from the swiss market. and if no one buys swiss CC for gold it is essentially worthless. Jut look at the swiss market now, it is fcking dead. Name me one thing oyu can buy with swiss CC today, its pathetic.

If you look at other countries they have some brains they used when thinking about this topic. set the price for buying currency cheaper than the price for gold with the currency. Thats how they trick people into buying their CC and not trading it back for gold. The more money thay have in the Country cc the more likely they will buy form the countries market for more expensive prices than other countries.

I propose that the swiss government finances the players who sell our currency, we will think about the specific details but we need to have a weaker currency. Without a weak currency my first proposal wont have as big of an impact, so its important that we agree on both!

Subscribe only if you are interested in economics and how to make money, i dont need to write for people who are only here to click on the "fight" button

Your Minister of Economy


Comments (11)

Good article, but it costs 1 Gold to print 200 CC so we can t give it any cheaper Cheeky
Good Point Biskvit but this is exactly where business sees the money. if we sell sell 220 CC for 1g we loose 20cc every time. Now people start buying swiss CC and pay VAT of 10% so for every 200 they spend we win 20CC. And they still have 20CC left of wich we make 2CC. End of the Day: if we sell 220CC for 1g that we print for 200C = 1g we make profit of 2CC every time we sell. Thats how you do business.
Vote for me and will be good!
Ok lets say we all start making HRM and houses,hospitals, DS. We focus our country in that industry, we swap our other resources for resources that are needed for HRM. What do you think ?
Maybe we would be better off just producing HRM, since we want to export it. if we use it all up we wont have much to export. Plus its hard to get HRM on black market nowadays.
Fresher - we can export houses too, hospitals and DS only Q5 sell unfortunately Smile
We can go to 1gold = 200 cc and be at 0
if we go for houses then we dont want to export the HRM since we need it to build, so i woud suggest only going for Houses and Hospitals. So we can lower the tax for importing HRM and focus on exporting the finished product.
houses and hospital are a good idea i think
I can make aprox 12000-13000 HRM a day, someone buys it each day when i put it on market tho Smile
Nice ideas.