Published in Japan - Social interactions and entertainment - 09 Sep 2016 10:43 - 13
MendescoAncestralmrcowComments (13)
Dangerous ground... Playing with fire... hehe
I support admins paying synhro to make new and original gfx for this game. There s tons of people paying to play this. The least admins should do is give us better servers (servers keep crashing when there s big rushes in battles) and give us original content, not stuff copied from other places...
Angry revollution activists incoming i smell a deleted article
Dangerous ground² hahaha
game should be mirror but Admin is Original ... love to play EreV
R.I.P. eRep many years ago. Long live the new empire!!
You re so good ;D
how you made so cool dirt???
@vooz - Borrowed it from others..following the good example of this game.