Published in Serbia - Social interactions and entertainment - 22 Sep 2016 11:07 - 10
Great Macedonian empire stretches from Skopje to Belgrade ...
As a thanks to ones who made it happened new antique monument has been builded in Skoplje....
With great thanks from 25 years old antique nation :D ....

Great Macedonian empire stretches from Skopje to Belgrade ...
As a thanks to ones who made it happened new antique monument has been builded in Skoplje....

With great thanks from 25 years old antique nation :D ....

bernoldi_salieriPedzaMKDComments (10)

malo se šegačim nemo se ljutite 

Stavi i sebe ex premijeru 

Pravoslavlje o/


Haha. G A S I muksaro

спаваш ли мирно д_пeјсeнџeру?

Messenger ne spava mirno xD selling Belgrade 200gold

Dodjete do Skopje da vi prodamo DS