Published in United Kingdom - Political debates and analysis - 03 Oct 2016 19:13 - 5
Last Update: Day 262

As I update each week, I will be experimenting with different features. Let me know how you feel about any changes to the format week-to-week, I would to hear your feedback.
New this week is a new color scheme for nodes - they are on a red-white-blue scale by lation. Those closer to red are smaller nations, those closer to blue are bigger nations, while those closer to white are in the middle of the pack. This feature accompanies the existing lation-based scale for size of nodes and size of text. Population size is a strong, if not perfect, indicator for global political power and it helps make the focal points of the MPP web more clear.
In addition, I am debuting the ADD / DROP section of the MPP Web. Each week, I will compare the data from the previous week to the most updated version and pull out all MPPs that have been added since last week and all MPPs that have been dropped since last week. In the interest of accuracy, I will also be cross-referencing the DROP list with all MPP proposals currently being voted on. If the nations are attempting to renew the MPP, I will not include that MPP on the DROP list.
Albania, Denmark
Albania, U.S.A.
Argentina, Austria
Armenia, Sweden
Austria, Brazil
Belarus, Latvia
Belarus, Ukraine
Belgium, France
Bolivia, Croatia
Bolivia, Germany
Bolivia, Venezuela
Brazil, Latvia
Czech, Serbia
Denmark, Portugal
Estonia, Lithuania
France, Ukraine
Germany, India
Germany, Montenegro
Greece, Paraguay
Japan, Switzerland
Montenegro, Serbia
Portugal, Moldova
Macedonia, Sweden
Belarus, Brazil
Belarus, Croatia
Brazil, Colombia
Brazil, Ireland
Brazil, Macedonia
Croatia, India
Croatia, South Korea
Croatia, Venezuela
Czech, Germany
Egypt, India
France, South Korea
Georgia, India
Georgia, Italy
Germany, Latvia
Germany, South Korea
Hungary, Venezuela
India, Macedonia
India, Philippines
Mexico, Portugal
Taiwan, South Korea
Coming up next at Jeju Gungjeon - an exploration of North American geopolitics!
Disclaimer: I will identify nations in all of my articles and especially the MPP Web based on how this world designates them, with certain common sense adjustments to shorten the longer nation names. If any citizen of a country feels that their country is mislabelled on this map, they are welcome to send a message to discuss a potential relabelling. If anyone objects to the labelling of a country besides their own, they are also welcome to send me a message, but I will generally lean towards deference to the citizens of the country itself. I reserve the right to label my web however I like and politely ask any discussion of labels to be kept out of the comments below.
keke250Comments (5)

S+V =D

Great article!

I see estonia i vote

Thanks for stepping up and getting this done for us.Outstanding work!