Published in Hungary - Political debates and analysis - 12 Dec 2016 12:00 - 12
This is a NAP between Turkey and Hungary and Romania.
1. Hungary will not take any belligerent actions towards any member of Vae Victis alliance such as Declaring war against with the exception of the cases predicted in this document. Other countries mentioned likewise will not attack Hungary.
2. Hungary cannot fight against Turkey and Romania in any Resistance War and cannot set them as Neutral Enemy.
3. Hungary cannot fight against Turkey and Romania through MPP except the situation that mentionad countries are attacking any core region of ally of Hungary.
4. Hungary cannot let any enemy of Vae Victis p through its regions to attack any member of Vae Victis alliance.
5. The agreement will be valid until day 375.
Have to sign:
Turkish President
Turkish Mofa
Hungarian President
Hungarian Mofa
Romanian President
1. Hungary will not take any belligerent actions towards any member of Vae Victis alliance such as Declaring war against with the exception of the cases predicted in this document. Other countries mentioned likewise will not attack Hungary.
2. Hungary cannot fight against Turkey and Romania in any Resistance War and cannot set them as Neutral Enemy.
3. Hungary cannot fight against Turkey and Romania through MPP except the situation that mentionad countries are attacking any core region of ally of Hungary.
4. Hungary cannot let any enemy of Vae Victis p through its regions to attack any member of Vae Victis alliance.
5. The agreement will be valid until day 375.
Have to sign:
Turkish President
Turkish Mofa
Hungarian President
Hungarian Mofa
Romanian President
Comments (12)

Signed as hungarian president.



Signed as President of Turkey

omg this becomes unreal...

Huns, remember sometime that this is a game, virtual one, nobody will kill you for real, its just a game, but your decisions will hunt you till game end

Thanks PB for the tips. I can say the same to you.

what, about killing in game,

Signed as President of Romania

Signed as MOFA of Turkey

Romanian MoFA doesn t exist?