Published in Germany - Battle orders - 14 Dec 2016 07:50 - 52
The Blue Forces:

More soon...
Frank05Gral AguilarTyraelHeIiosGenghis KhanAzkoyGiovanno69Bombero1976El ProfesorB A T A S H AB A T A S H AB A T A S H AMiltiadosMiltiadosMiltiadosDiamond LadyHappyK o BBaby JesusNino19nikiruComments (52)


te falto el equipo verde
...... México-Paraguay-Argentina-Chile

voooted xD

Equipo nejro envidioso.


Serbia = tief Russia = drunker Bosnia = no comment Greece = poor guy Croatia = lost case

Arreglado Ger 


why is that two countries stand far hiding behind the back ? trauma ?

but ukraine is not red :S

Bizede kızıl yakısırdı zaten :p

@Camel Soft It was for the background, but is true xD, all the countries in The blue one have a part blue and almost all of the Red the same. lol

Ukraine is red inside. YNWA

@komeng_saja Place dosnt matter, the 10 countries have the same importance =)


Its just a GAME, but a Inc o7


Its just a GAME, but a Inc o7

Its just a GAME, but a Inc o7

Its just a GAME, but a Inc o7 / Nice picture 

Great pic o7



Its just a GAME, but a Inc o7
This is how we do.


Blue is the color of intuition. In the meaning of colors it can mean idealism and structure as well as ritualistic and addictive. In the meaning of colors, red is a color of universal harmony and emotional balance. It is spiritual yet practical, encouraging common sense and a balanced outlook on life. lollll i prefer colour of ****** hahahhahahahah

no Montenegro no vote 


bolje ove boje

mmmhmmm spartah117 

Nice pic


o7 o/

👉SELLING 110 Q2 Heli @0.028 G/unit, SELLING 168 Q3 Heli and 220 Q5 Tanks @0.035 G/unit, BUYING 4 Q2 FOOD FACTORIES @20.1-22 G each, BUYING Q1 Helis👈📣💬


yea this all looks like one big spoof


Lets do this game interesting.

Its just a GAME, but a Inc o7

vamos bien


NO Czech R. No Vote :/