Published in Turkey - Warfare analysis - 27 Jan 2017 05:11 - 38
As you know, erevtools used to show power of all not-banned players in country stats page. It was not reflecting the truth much since there are countries who made babyboom but most of those players are no longer playing. So I asked Mr Gabiru to create a column which calculates sum of 1 hit damage of active players + those who only complate DO. Thanks to him, we have better chance to calculate potential damage of countries now.
To start with Vae Victis alliance, I included all member countries and those who are friendly towards us (Portugal, Lithuania and Latvia)

So according to this graph, Albania holds 1.46% of world damage.
The other organized alliance is Délos and here is their graph:

The last group can be considered as anti-Vae Victis. Although they are not united in one alliance, according to the MPP Web they are in same circle and their damage often goes against Vae Victis.

Considering all these stats, the sum of groups look like this:

It does not end up 100% because I did not include countries like Norway, China, etc.
Of course, these stats are mostly based on number of active players and their STRs, levels, etc. In order to analyze exact influence/power of countries, there are many other factors to take into consideration like LKs of players, economic income of country, bonuses, supply system, number of visa players, etc. That is why low lated but actually tanky countries like Russia and Germany have no better place in ranking. Also keep in mind that this is pure 1 hit damage so If any of these groups start campaign against DS5, the actual damage will change. It is quite difficult to calculate all these yet I believe this is still better illustration than -damage of last X days.- For instance If you check last 7 days damage of Serbia it is 40 billion and Turkey made 20 billion. If we prepare graph with such results, it will not give any clue for sure.
Please feel free to share your feedback about how can we get better results and I will take those into consideration If I prepare same report for Naval Power. I hope I did not do any mistake in categorization and just gave a reason to cry for some :P
As you know, erevtools used to show power of all not-banned players in country stats page. It was not reflecting the truth much since there are countries who made babyboom but most of those players are no longer playing. So I asked Mr Gabiru to create a column which calculates sum of 1 hit damage of active players + those who only complate DO. Thanks to him, we have better chance to calculate potential damage of countries now.
To start with Vae Victis alliance, I included all member countries and those who are friendly towards us (Portugal, Lithuania and Latvia)

So according to this graph, Albania holds 1.46% of world damage.
The other organized alliance is Délos and here is their graph:

The last group can be considered as anti-Vae Victis. Although they are not united in one alliance, according to the MPP Web they are in same circle and their damage often goes against Vae Victis.

Considering all these stats, the sum of groups look like this:

It does not end up 100% because I did not include countries like Norway, China, etc.
Of course, these stats are mostly based on number of active players and their STRs, levels, etc. In order to analyze exact influence/power of countries, there are many other factors to take into consideration like LKs of players, economic income of country, bonuses, supply system, number of visa players, etc. That is why low lated but actually tanky countries like Russia and Germany have no better place in ranking. Also keep in mind that this is pure 1 hit damage so If any of these groups start campaign against DS5, the actual damage will change. It is quite difficult to calculate all these yet I believe this is still better illustration than -damage of last X days.- For instance If you check last 7 days damage of Serbia it is 40 billion and Turkey made 20 billion. If we prepare graph with such results, it will not give any clue for sure.
Please feel free to share your feedback about how can we get better results and I will take those into consideration If I prepare same report for Naval Power. I hope I did not do any mistake in categorization and just gave a reason to cry for some :P
KincuardMiltiadosarjannakituminayashiCelioMGEsdeathEsdeathEsdeathFerdi CarrefourBattleHerolmperiusPanzer AceCaptain HarlockcakiMKSlade WilsonSlade WilsonSlade WilsonSlade WilsonHarizaldyno0bsailbotJoker EvilBlak FoxBlak FoxStevan GDamaChenComments (38)

pririncccc !

kanada yı göremedin unsub 


no kirtaylar no vote

your work is a photo of the moment. Does not consider e.g. Romania that has bes stocking for ages, Iran that happily farming ect. It s the damage made, not the potential damage. Therefor, it cannot represent the actual firepower.

@ktab, this is not damage made, this is sum of *1 hit damage* of active players + 2clickers/DOers. The data comes from *Land Damage Power* column of country page of erevtools.

haters would say ..that this statistic are telling which countries spent their DMG/STOCK 

good article but yeah, what would be even greater would be to know the amount of energy available per country

0,65%... quite not impressive but it something

still you know what I mean
You successfully used rotation model on attackings, meaning that your countries had the time to recover while opponents kept on drying. Especially some countries, like the ones I mentioned (and Taiwan also), have been stocking for too long. The damage seems balanced cause you also have a nice damage control. You shoot as much as necessary.

VV 48% it s too much
/ But good article
/ I didn t understand the calculation of the percentages, can you detail it? The last 7 days? Damage of active players ?

ktab, no one can blame us for better organization right? Miltiados, I summed the column *land damage power* and I divided land damage power of Albania by that sum. Total land damage power of world is 125,709,885 and land damage power of Albania is 1,829,805 so when they are divided, it gives 1.46%.

As you saw, I chose words carefully, not to sound like I blame you; on the contrary. Infact you are the only ones that have organization. There is no opposing alliance yet. Your only rival, is when couple of friends decide to make a special operation in a battle, an organized one. Still not enough to overcome an alliance organization

I do not see Ireland

No Morocco no vote 

Magellan, I did not include Ireland and Canada since they are not against/part of any of these major groups. You can count those who are not mentioned here as neutral.


voted, nice work

Im surprised there is no cheap propaganda in the comments about %80 VV damage etc. 

Nice work

#48%IsComing #WarIsContinue

I would like to say this is good status for showing basic dmg from food fight. As I said all times, nobody can blame on the history of MDP-VV, that was concerned with survival. I knew the history at the founding of this alliance. But I hope we can consider anti-vv nations you mentioned as above didn t have any relationship and there s no need to make one organization due to powerful vv alliance. VV is big alliance in this land.

even 1% lead in this graphs means a lot of dmg lead (dmg of Slovenia is 1%). Like we can compere that VV have lead for 3 % so yea this is a lot. But that is not the only problem... We have fun i hope you have fun to.

+nime, I am for this opinion. There must be not small gap if we consider this is sum of damage amount. 1 of 100 is small but 1000 of 1000000 is totally different.

Is it someones fault because he knows to play? And who can blame those who doesn t? Healthy, pragmatic approach brings supremacy to the group of countries, and other countries are looking for to blame someone (everyone). I believe, this is a good model

Thank you for putting this together.

you should get more countries in vv, this almost seems equal

The rest of that damage is from Canada 

In practice other side is not that powerful as we are seeing on diagram, because anti VV is not alliance, so they fight among themselves too. And cooperation with 5 country is easier than between 20. VV is too powerful because members are big, if you attack only with 5 members other side need cooperate with 15 members. When big guy get candy from kid, kid cant do nothing but man still can get more candies from another kids and sold back to these kids.

Hail anti-VV we are ready ro remoVVe u... 💐

So calles Better organisation would be if you had less damage and still won. 48 vs 30 is not better organisation
(even if it is true you are better organised, but you don t need that to dominate the game, unless all 52℅ turn against you)

@kynas, you keep ignoring one huge fact, BIG advantage on map so favoritism by admins is clear there. Before i asked admins about somewhat even map redistribution, as for example turky is surrounded by one side active and other side inactive/dead countries, while on Balkan there is simple no free regions.. Anyway, admin said if he changed map to create it bit more balanced, some people would be pissed off. Thats why im boycotting military module, thats my personal protest. So its not as you said organisation only, but Blessing/protection by admins is huge reason why some countries are stronger than others.

nice work, potato

I see no honor in VV

Intresting aproach.