Published in Turkey - Financial analysis - 29 Jan 2017 12:15 - 42
As you know, Turkey recently reached 100% bonus in all four sectors. This is not a success that is achieved with only our effort but help of dear allies. We believe that this is a result of joint effort therefore we like to share gain of it.
On behalf of Turkey, I like to announce that starting from tomorrow, Turkey will be offering 2/3 tax return for citizens of Vae Victis members. Hostile citizens that are camping in our members will not be able to take advantage from it.
Your Country President will be informed about what to do and link of necessary form so you can start working tomorrow.
Kind Regards,
MoFA of Turkey

As you know, Turkey recently reached 100% bonus in all four sectors. This is not a success that is achieved with only our effort but help of dear allies. We believe that this is a result of joint effort therefore we like to share gain of it.
On behalf of Turkey, I like to announce that starting from tomorrow, Turkey will be offering 2/3 tax return for citizens of Vae Victis members. Hostile citizens that are camping in our members will not be able to take advantage from it.
Your Country President will be informed about what to do and link of necessary form so you can start working tomorrow.
Kind Regards,
MoFA of Turkey

KizaganKizaganKizaganResident Evilgiovinco10CelioMGWarchiefsalamandra123ZE BUNDADoomtouchableCaptain HarlockStormareBlak FoxComments (42)


Princi mi diyoduk


güzel ama ingilizce


very nice o7

VV has no honor


Faganeros has nice ass

thats so racist
@say no to discrimination

WaitIn for admins respond. Hail VV! o7

Good idea!

nice o7

Nice bro o7 Hail VV

Perfect news ^_^

Hic altına Türkçesini eklemeyin bakalım.

o7. turkce olaydi o1071 di ama neyyse

Han x, Türkçesi önceki hükümet duyurusunda yazıldı Zaten


where´s the link?


imedia qartvelebi ar gaiqcevit 


Waiting for ktab and peaky to start bla bla bla... xD

Why Turkey has these bonuses? Why not Poland? Why not something smaller than egoistic Badlands Of Kindogan? Turkish strong but only with allies.

very good, we`ll be over :-)


youmu, instead of betraying a county and stealing gold from it, If you and your traitor friends could fight for Poland not against it, Poland could have better damage power and reach better bonuses. Still, Poland will have one of the best bonus situation in game.

Sektirin lan toplari. Sek sek sekerek makbule.

Good initiative. It s not all damage, it s better strategy.