Published in Portugal - Financial analysis - 18 Feb 2017 11:45 - 21
DaltonicD was one of my best friends here, one of the best players of Portugal and of the world. We all hope to see you in future!
Now, let´s start the article!

Q1 to Q4 = 1800 energy for gold
Q5 = 1500-1600 energy for gold
Food Raw Material = 0.0002 gold for unit

Helis Q1 = 0.013 - 0.015 gold for unit
Helis Q2 = 0.018- 0.02 gold for unit
Tanks Q5/ Helis Q3 = 0.028 - 0.029 gold for unit
Helis Q4 = 0.036 gold for unit
Helis Q5 = 0.047 - 0.049 gold for unit
Weapons Raw Material = 0.0019 - 0.0002 gold for unit

Ships Q1/Q2/Q4 = ? (comment the prices if you know them)
Ships Q3 = 0.032 gold
Ships Q5 = 0.048 gold for unit, 4.8 gold for 100
Ship Raw Material = 0.0016 - 0.0018 gold

Q1 = 2.3 - 2.5 gold
Q2 = 2.8 - 3 gold
Q3 = 4.5 gold
Q4 = 7.3 - 7.5 gold
Q5 = 8.5 gold
House Raw Material = 0.0042 - 0.0044 gold

Each Work = 1.6 gold

Updates: Romania has 100% bonus on food.
Brazil has 100% bonus on ships.

Don´t forget to vote and comment. Hope you liked it!
TugaWolf IIMiguel MJValiantinaYamamotoD4davEl ProfesorThe Last Lynx PardinusZaganos PashaComments (21)

sub and vote

dude (-_-) see my newspaper

sub+vote o7

3.2g Ws q3

add Romania to food bonus



In Industry Bonus, what is the first Industry (with the symbol of the strength) ? 

@Fyore the symbol of strength represent the counties witch have their cc for 0.005g, the cheapest cc you can find. And represent the cheapest countries to train.

it is nice to remember gone analisis is a erev. classic so thank you to do it
i want all q5 food 

V sub

nice, voted!

i bought q1 houses @2.1g each, i also bought q2 houses @2.4g each

Bulgaria has house bonus 100% too , it is just temporary down by one.
