Published in Georgia - Social interactions and entertainment - 09 Mar 2017 09:06 - 4
Hi guys, It's time to read a new,fresh interview.
Today our Guest Is:
Sultan Hayder BasA.K.A President of Turkey :)
-What is your real name and how old are you ?
-My name is Ahmet, I am 24 years old.
-Favorite color?
-Why did you started playing erev?
-I was playing an other game once and i was so baby in that game :D Then one of my friends invited me here -and i thought i have a chance to be strong in there! :) And here we are.
-When did you started playing erev?
-About 1,5 years ago. I am not sure, i started at first month of the game :) but i was out for 4-5 months, then i came before 2,5 months ago.
-What is your future plans with turkey?
-My plans with Turkey is keep my country and my friends active, other things are easy, we are strong country and we are part of good alliance :)
-Are you from turkey?
-Exactly, i am from heart of anatolia, Ankara :)
-What can you say about kinyas? კინიასი არავის მოსწონს !
-I dont know much about his real life, we are part of different groups but the only thing i know clear is that
he is the best political leader in erevollution.
-Is it hard to be aliance leader ?
-I am not alliance leader, you should know that because the alliance leader is from your country :D But sure it must be hard, who can say it is easy? :) You have a lot of responsibilites if you an allinace leader, and in -Vae Victis there is 17 countries that you have to take care of.
-Do you like your country color ?
-Our country color represents the peoples holly blood who died in our independence war... I like my contry --color, my blood is part of it...
-How many points would you give this game ? 1/10 ?
-it is hard question if i give 1, biskvit bans me tomorrow :D Let me give 5 and make everyone happy :)
-Do you have an alt accs ?
-Who is asking? :D
-What is difference Between VV and VV alpha ?
-There is no difference, they are like brothers. VV and VV alpha countries dont need true ally medals to fight for each other. And VV alpha has alpha nickname. It is cool, we are jealous about this :(
Today our Guest Is:
Sultan Hayder BasA.K.A President of Turkey :)
-What is your real name and how old are you ?
-My name is Ahmet, I am 24 years old.
-Favorite color?
-Why did you started playing erev?
-I was playing an other game once and i was so baby in that game :D Then one of my friends invited me here -and i thought i have a chance to be strong in there! :) And here we are.
-When did you started playing erev?
-About 1,5 years ago. I am not sure, i started at first month of the game :) but i was out for 4-5 months, then i came before 2,5 months ago.
-What is your future plans with turkey?
-My plans with Turkey is keep my country and my friends active, other things are easy, we are strong country and we are part of good alliance :)
-Are you from turkey?
-Exactly, i am from heart of anatolia, Ankara :)
-What can you say about kinyas? კინიასი არავის მოსწონს !
-I dont know much about his real life, we are part of different groups but the only thing i know clear is that
he is the best political leader in erevollution.
-Is it hard to be aliance leader ?
-I am not alliance leader, you should know that because the alliance leader is from your country :D But sure it must be hard, who can say it is easy? :) You have a lot of responsibilites if you an allinace leader, and in -Vae Victis there is 17 countries that you have to take care of.
-Do you like your country color ?
-Our country color represents the peoples holly blood who died in our independence war... I like my contry --color, my blood is part of it...
-How many points would you give this game ? 1/10 ?
-it is hard question if i give 1, biskvit bans me tomorrow :D Let me give 5 and make everyone happy :)
-Do you have an alt accs ?
-Who is asking? :D
-What is difference Between VV and VV alpha ?
-There is no difference, they are like brothers. VV and VV alpha countries dont need true ally medals to fight for each other. And VV alpha has alpha nickname. It is cool, we are jealous about this :(
Sultan Haydar Bas