Published in Poland - Social interactions and entertainment - 14 Feb 2016 13:44 - 58

so what happened today?
you can "win" strength...
AND you can buy tokens...
for 70 € you get even without a prem star (the more stars you have the mor gold you get for your money) 105 tokens if you take the bought gold and buy tokens with it...

so you have about 50 times higher chances (not to mention the game points wich also raises your chances the more tokens you spend) to win the strength than every player else who is not spending that money...
and we all know that some people dont just spend 70€ at once here... ;)
and if you say that isnt such a big problem...
we allready have the first STR buyer:

wich impact does that have on the game?
a huge...
the more STR the more damage...
but those buyers are allready doing more damage because of the buying of bars and bazookas...
AND because they are doing that since a long time they are also having a higher rank...
wich means even more damage than every random player...

at the moment the first 5 top fighters have allready done more damage than the places 6-15...
and those ranks 6-15 are allready spending some money on this game...
i have no idea how much more damage a KyloRen is doing than a random player wich is playing from day 1...
that random player cant allready even mess with the best weapons against a barehanded hitting gold buyer...
so what sense does it make for a player to still play this game if all just depends on how much damage the biggest guys are doing?
every player under rank 60 in the top fighter ranking is nearly useless on the battlefield...
even as a whole country you just can hope that noone of those big ones is hitting against you...
i was telling admin very early (i think 1 or 2 hours before the first one bught some strength... seconds after i have seen the "update" and even before the admin article about it..) that this will get a problem...

admin was reading it but there was no answer...
so why can i see within seconds what will happen but admins cant when they have as much time as they want to think about it before they implement it?
i just have one answer to that they are trying to make this game to a cash cow (if you dont know what it means just google it)...
after 35 days...

also i was asking kami neko how much tokens he was spending to get the STR...
sit down pls if you dont sit this will shock you...

40! in words fourty tokens for those 25 STR...
wich are a lot...
its more than a whole day training in a q4 workout area...
and its like 5 days of training for a new player...
and also he was getting some other high q stuff...
lets look at the beginning of that article...
at least 105 tokens for 70€...
wich means you can get for 70€ 50 STR...
wich means even the strongest ones can double their STR (wich means also doubled damage per hit) for 1000€...
i know for the most of us thats a lot...
but for some (for me too but i just spend money for good products and this game is far away from a good product) not...
and this will kill the game...
buying a win (or such an advantage that its hard to lose) and a lucky weel have nothing to do with a strategy game...

at the moment i am seriously thinking about to quit that game...
i dont care for the spended money...
as i said its not that much for me...
but like in e rep i met a lot of nice people (and was having some very nice talks to some old faces ;)) and even after 35 days, nearly no germans here and a bad english its hard to just leave them...
so like in the other game there are lot of us are here just because of us...
not because of a "close to the players" admin team...
nor because of a nice alternative game...
its not an alternative...
it just become even worse than e rep...
to everyone who was searching a alternative game because he was upset about the admins:
leave this game before you meet some nice people like i did wich hold you in the game!!!
ps: this is no offense to any player who bought or won strength or weapons or anything else...
you guys just use the game mechanics...
its a clear offense against the admins and the game mechaincs itself...
pps i nearly forgot the music for this article... ^^
ednauednauGdzieJaJestemBelgorGropiusTHE ONERed KnightTopSecretSzefesAlejandro MadridmrcowForystPattonKizaganAntifleshTugaWolf IIKoreysBardThatBushComments (58)

if you dont think its worth to shou it leave at least some votes so that everyone can read it and decide on its own...
if you think ist worth to shout it: new article of to lazy didnt read about the weekly events:

Totaly agree with you mate. o/

i wanna quit so bad....

Vote and agree for sure

S49, V15. Excellent article.

Seems to me like Kami is only player who won more 25 strength, also my opinion is that admin will not give single player to win more times same strength rewards ( probably one player can win only one time 25 and 50 more strength). Other rewards are cool but I agree that strength should not be for sale.

Vote and agree

When I bought gold here, I didnt bought it so I could become the best of the best. And I didnt invest much, considering this is still early stage of the game. I didnt spent them for tanking. I invested 150e-160e just for the support to the game developing, didnt wanted to do some illegal stuffs in these early stages, didnt wanted to make multies, refferals or whatever... I have spent golds in raising factories so I could provide some supplies for mine countrimans, but point is that there are ways for doing it others then buying golds for euros. My point is- I really had a faith in this game, and I had so much hopes this could become something real good. Then, in very first days there comes EB's and numerous tanking in a 1-2 week old strategy game. Literaly by win game. No strategy there. And this game returning fully in it, on my sorrow. Dont take me wrong, I am glad for EAGLE successes - makes game more interesting. I am not crying, I am actually glad this things are happening. Now, admins made new event. Why THE F**K is there buy token feature, and why everything must have a price in this game? So dissapointed...

So far as I know.. Kami, Exxe, Tannin got +25 strength

Big vote


@Marcus Crassus yes i havent mentioned the good cheating opportunity of the lucky weel in this article because it was allready very long and noone wants to read endless articles...
i mean someone is building multis those multis use their 2 tokens to win stuff... they are selling the stuff and use the money for the multi owners will or just send it about 1000 corners to the multi owner itself... i dont think that admins can observe that much accounts at the same time... and i dont think that i (or even the admins) know all the possibilitys of getting an advantage of having stuff in a multi account...

Kami +75 so far
What Kylo is waiting for ?

@KoB he is waiting for his parents credit card... 

You want to know difference between mastercard and a normal player? for 24h i hit in my country battle and made a bit more than 900k dmg. I used all of my weps i got in weekly challanges, all energy bars and bazookas. 3 min before the end of battle came in this games moderatos (i will not name him) and within a minute he hit 1mil. If he is doing it just 4 fun, it should mean, that 1mil of dmg for him costs less than 5g. So basically after 2-3 month tanks will get BH medals with 2-3 hits while normal users will never be able to achieve anything

Agree o7 + you have nice banners


@carlozs i know about who you are talking...^^ and that guy (or girl?) isnt even in the top 5 of the top fighters ranking i mentioned above... so against a KR or KN you whouldnt allready now (you dont have to wait 2-3 months) have a chance against them when they dont use a weapon... @Herien Wolf yes i love them... thx again... it was totaly worth the gold... 

o7 this deserves a fat vote and sub

Pay to win. Nice.

kein deutscher aber ein österreicher ist da 

ein schluchtenscheißer o/ ich dachte ihr wärt alle ungarn... könnte ja mal nen artikel auf deutsch schreiben... würde die leserzahl allerdings dich mitgezählt auf 4 reduzieren... :/


Voted and subscribe

They give advantage too much to visa player, make free player look like a shit..great

as you said there, big spenders can outgun everyone , and someone like me who could spend some money on game on regular base, but not insane amount (game is not worth it), wont spend it, as there is no point . So adding stuff like this where few can outgun masses is just making others who would spend 10-20 or 30e per month not to do it as its pointless. Game should look to attract new players and only month in to game , its started to look like that it reached its peak.. To cut it short, i will watch, hoping for the some balance, but till admins dont show that they are working to make game good for everyone, i aint spending dime any more o7

voted ő7

Voted o7


i support admin because he must have money

As always, a good article. Too bad Admins aren't taking those as serious ones... 

Wrong way of development..

@Ya Boh i was thinking about spending some more money in the game (tbh i was sure to spend some the question was just how much...) this week but i changed my mind yesterday...

good article!!

this game will be empty very soon and visas can fight each other
I will never invest into this game with this pay system and on the other hand considering to leave it...

@lonsiege "Wrong way of development.." You're damn right!

I'm a customer too, and I hate advancing like this. It's not fair for all the rest. Also there goes the limit to energy drinks and RPGs.
Want to hear a nice idea admins? No matter how many energy drinks one might have, cannot exceed a specific limit of recover daily. Lets say 1000 energy (10 drinks). Not to be able to use in a specific battle more than a limit of RPGs. Lets say 20. You may fix the one-two man show by setting limits. No other way. Or it will be 10-20 of us fighting while the rest will abandon the game sooner or later.

clean streeng

@Inspection: U sell fucking DMG and steal BH as a moderator, wtf is it with this shitty game..? Im not that afraid as the rest above me I name the fucktard moderator who steals BHs the last second... Tell your admin friends, that the game is dying and its not evern our for more then a month. 2-3 weeklies like this and U'll have 150-200 gold buyer playerbase.

I agree with everything that the author wrote. This whole situation creates conditions for abuse.


sad but true

@Inspection: U sell fucking DMG and steal BH as a moderator, wtf is it with this shitty game..? Im not that afraid as the rest above me I name the fucktard moderator who steals BHs the last second... Tell your admin friends, that the game is dying and its not evern our for more then a month. 2-3 weeklies like this and U'll have 150-200 gold buyer playerbase.

Interesting. Vote.


too lazy, didn't read sorry..
but voted anyway

I presume that admins know that the game is dying (or will be closed soon) and they wants to get as much money as they can from visa players. They don't care for the game in longer term time....

Pay to win.
Wasn't it obvious to everyone that games like this only object is to get YOUR money.
Not mine. I win 


It is obvious that this game is copied just to exploit people's need to have bigger virtual penis. It is not about the joy, or fun in the game - it is only about money, much worse from the original, which is a shame.
But, in the end, it is all up to you players, you are the one supporting this game policy with your money.
Honestly, this game does not deserve it.

True story bro .. sad but true ...
Voted !


i spended like 15 tokens still not even third box :v

Huge like for the song at the end of the article (Y) m/

@Nevenincsis Because moderators can't steal BH's or sell their damage? Who the f*** decided on that and how is it of any relevance to the game admins? "Uh, mods fight in a battle, it's not fair" "Uh, mods train, it's not fair" "Uh, mods can do whatever everyone else does, not fair"
Idiots are idiots...