Published in Serbia - Social interactions and entertainment - 07 Aug 2017 11:44 - 60

Peace agreement has been reached between Serbia ,Nemesis and albania that I am glad to announce hereby.
Both Serbia and Nemesis will be mentioned in the deal as Serbia . The deal includes whole alliance .
1- albania will give all regions except Vlora
2- albania can not declare war on Serbia and others
3- albania can not fight in any war that Serbia is involved
4- albanians can train only in naval centres, becouse they have only coastal region
5- romy must be vanished to gurgia
6- albanians must work in Serbia and pay full taxes
7- albanians must work for serbian employees
8- if albanians have organized fight nilson must share their supplies :D
9- for renting Vlore for Serbia, they need to pay 1389 gold weekly
10- albanians must buy food and weapons from mcmoox - at prices determined by him
11- they must put Serbian flag as avatar , all of them

mcmoox - tlačer nejači
others relevant guys in comments
for inspiration I would like to thank to kinyas
djurdjoCoaJNANilsonversXanderKing Ragnar LothbrokRomyB A T A S H AGoodbye o7G 4 M p3trOs V E RJauffreyJauffreyHitoyoshiTheMarioKame SenninthekrekcthekrekcthekrekcGARDOSHSSFamilyNoel De Lilly NoireNoel De Lilly NoireNoel De Lilly NoireDora Tonksreferent mladjiTopSecretdekilinastytoBgUa Go LubComments (60)

hahahahha KRALJU

signed by NILSON!!!

i da vratite šine u Suboticu !!!

u forget :
Albanias man must f*ck some serbian girls

signed by Essenin!

signed by myself 

hahahahahhahahahahahahhaha kralj

mrmokse ne samo šine, tramvaj i vagone što im tito dao

oh you forgot 1 rule
albania to suck your mother vagina
albania to give you a dick
serbia to suck romy dick
albania to put your mother vagina avatar

otoringo ahahahaha

signed by hardbass

signed by: mememaster

yav he he

Wordwide is known that albanians and kebabs are pussies
So if u dont have balls keep ur mouth shuted

I know these are generous terms for albanians, but we are a mercifull empire


Albanians don t answer on provokes :-P.

Its not provokes its serious NAP offer

[Albania]Peace Agreement with Serbia PLEASE BE POLITE THIS IS SERIOUS REPLY:

.i. you can take this 

31 minutes ago
u forget : Albanias man must f*ck some serbian goats

@Otoringo we are on game, RL is other story

.l. (this is our answer

@sidrit007 you stupid woman

ma jasta

PART OF THE agreement


all what albania accept its to let serbia to suck my dick

U have fyrom already


1 minute ago
all what albania accept its to [s]let serbia to[/s] suck [s]my [/s] goat dick - fixed!!
Thats not enough bro, you must do all the points in the article too!

@goku1 i wonder why dick cant come out from your mouth, its couse you suck your dad when you was baby

when torpedjo was on his mother`s belly my dick visited him regulary tho

You should put few more articles such: Albania is obliged to allow serbs in real live to visit their heart Kosova.
Albania is obliged to allow serbs that every year to visit Gazimestan.
Albania is obliged to not mention ever that the father of the real Serbian President is Albanian.
Albania is obliged to mKe sure that Serbian girls in Kosovo are free to work in Kosovo as dance gurls.
etc etc etc

@Beauregard Pusti koze na miru, ne mešaj RL sa igrom.

hahahahhahaha oplakah, nisi trebao ovako jako, vidiš da ovi odma pominju majke

Petros goli firomanci doma da ti setat xD


Signed by albanian


English skills level

Serbia is Ottoman!

Joj mukslime nemoj po bratji siptarima

đesi prdare ubolo te june 

jbt pises na Srpskom, pitaj balije da ti objase stvar sta im je uslo a sta tek treba

signed by meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

we offer to serb*a only this .i.

Ivan1212 im fyrom fyrom

Haha dobar 

Šiptarčine, kako baš nas da zapadnete od tolikih naroda?!?

this is discrimination people of albania ..... REPORTED !!!

I have a proposal for all my siptar brethren ... Proclaim here that KOSOVO IS TRULY SERBIA ... And i will lend you as much dmg as you may need 


хаахха, много добро 

hahahahah discrimination? ahahahahahahaha
go fight 9mil dmg