Published in United States of America - Political debates and analysis - 04 Nov 2017 08:55 - 5
Hey all election is tomorrow and i would like your vote for CP i will try my best for US if you need to get ahold of me i will be on discord
or Feel free to chat me up about anything you would like to see done that is within my power i operate on transparency
all grievances with current deals will be addressed (but not guaranteed to be done) i seek to try a consolidation plan and to work with our brothers in arms to come to a mutually beneficial arrangement where production is a concern.
if that can not be done as swift as some of you like i would ask that you take full advantage of a program promoted and invigorated by our current president working in brazil is more productive for those of you with lots to produce and you can get a refund so buying currency to work is mitigated
¡Viva la Revolución!
or Feel free to chat me up about anything you would like to see done that is within my power i operate on transparency
all grievances with current deals will be addressed (but not guaranteed to be done) i seek to try a consolidation plan and to work with our brothers in arms to come to a mutually beneficial arrangement where production is a concern.
if that can not be done as swift as some of you like i would ask that you take full advantage of a program promoted and invigorated by our current president working in brazil is more productive for those of you with lots to produce and you can get a refund so buying currency to work is mitigated
¡Viva la Revolución!
islandwoodsieislandwoodsieislandwoodsieislandwoodsieislandwoodsieislandwoodsieFallenAngelFallenAngelKennedyKennedyKennedyKennedyKennedyKennedyKennedyKennedyComments (5)

All Hail the new Commander and Chief
Endorsed by ~islandwoodsie~

One of your new multi, woodsie?

actually i wouldn t even know how to create a multi, the thought never crossed my mind to be HONEST with ya

Not worry, you have the support of Americans who, just like me, want to make America great again and will make an excellent government.